VEGA Sunburst 在圆弧上显示标签名称

VEGA Sunburst display label name on arcs

有人知道如何在 示例的弧上显示标签名称吗? 谢谢

织女星 text mark has properties radius and theta that can show text in polar coordinates. For example see Vega radial tree example


  "type": "text",
  "from": {"data": "tree"},
  "encode": {
    "enter": {
      "text": {"field": "name"},
      "fontSize": {"value": 9},
      "baseline": {"value": "middle"},
      "align": {"value": "center"}
    "update": {
      "x": {"signal": "width / 2"},
      "y": {"signal": "height / 2"},

      "radius": {"signal": "(datum['r0'] == 0 ? 0 : datum['r0'] + datum['r1']) / 2"},

      "theta": {"signal": "(datum['a0'] + datum['a1']) / 2"},

      "angle": {"signal": "datum['r0'] == 0 ? 0 : ((datum['a0'] + datum['a1']) / 2) * 180 / PI + (inrange(((datum['a0'] + datum['a1']) / 2) % (2 * PI), [0, PI]) ? 270 : 90)"},

      "tooltip": {"signal": " + (datum.size ? ', ' + datum.size + ' bytes' : '')"}

注意:theta 以弧度为单位,但 angle 以度为单位。

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