
Why doesn't this smart contract compile?

我正在尝试编译实际部署在 Avalanche 网络上的现有 ERC20 智能合约。我想将它部署在另一个兼容的测试网络(例如 Ethereum Ropsten)上,以查看它是如何工作的,以及它是否不是一个欺诈智能合约。 源代码无法在 Remix IDE 中编译。出现错误:

TypeError: "send" and "transfer" are only available for objects of type "address payable", not "address". --> contracts/superstaking.sol:148:3: | 148 | msg.sender.transfer(totalAmount); | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


 *Submitted for verification at snowtrace.io on 2022-03-04

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT 
pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.9.0;

contract 4V4XStaker {
    using SafeMath for uint256;

    uint256 constant public INVEST_MIN_AMOUNT = 0.05 ether;
    uint256[] public REFERRAL_PERCENTS = [60, 30, 10];
    uint256 constant public PROJECT_FEE = 120;
    uint256 constant public PERCENT_STEP = 3;
    uint256 constant public WITHDRAW_FEE = 1000; //In base point
    uint256 constant public PERCENTS_DIVIDER = 1000;
    uint256 constant public TIME_STEP = 1 days;
    uint256 public totalStaked;
    uint256 public totalRefBonus;

    struct Plan {
        uint256 time;
        uint256 percent;

    Plan[] internal plans;

    struct Deposit {
        uint8 plan;
        uint256 percent;
        uint256 amount;
        uint256 profit;
        uint256 start;
        uint256 finish;

    struct User {
        Deposit[] deposits;
        uint256 checkpoint;
        address referrer;
        uint256[3] levels;
        uint256 bonus;
        uint256 totalBonus;

    mapping (address => User) internal users;

    uint256 public startUNIX;
    address payable public commissionWallet;

    event Newbie(address user);
    event NewDeposit(address indexed user, uint8 plan, uint256 percent, uint256 amount, uint256 profit, uint256 start, uint256 finish);
    event Withdrawn(address indexed user, uint256 amount);
    event RefBonus(address indexed referrer, address indexed referral, uint256 indexed level, uint256 amount);
    event FeePayed(address indexed user, uint256 totalAmount);

    constructor(address payable wallet, uint256 startDate) public {
        require(startDate > 0);
        commissionWallet = wallet;
        startUNIX = startDate;

        plans.push(Plan(14, 80));
        plans.push(Plan(21, 75));
        plans.push(Plan(28, 70));
        plans.push(Plan(14, 80));
        plans.push(Plan(21, 75));
        plans.push(Plan(28, 70));

    function invest(address referrer, uint8 plan) public payable {

        require(msg.value >= INVEST_MIN_AMOUNT,"too small");
        require(plan < 6, "Invalid plan");

        uint256 fee = msg.value.mul(PROJECT_FEE).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER);
        emit FeePayed(msg.sender, fee);

        User storage user = users[msg.sender];

        if (user.referrer == address(0)) {
            if (users[referrer].deposits.length > 0 && referrer != msg.sender) {
                user.referrer = referrer;

            address upline = user.referrer;
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                if (upline != address(0)) {
                    users[upline].levels[i] = users[upline].levels[i].add(1);
                    upline = users[upline].referrer;
                } else break;

        if (user.referrer != address(0)) {

            address upline = user.referrer;
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                if (upline != address(0)) {
                    uint256 amount = msg.value.mul(REFERRAL_PERCENTS[i]).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER);
                    users[upline].bonus = users[upline].bonus.add(amount);
                    users[upline].totalBonus = users[upline].totalBonus.add(amount);
                    emit RefBonus(upline, msg.sender, i, amount);
                    upline = users[upline].referrer;
                } else break;


        if (user.deposits.length == 0) {
            user.checkpoint = block.timestamp;
            emit Newbie(msg.sender);

        (uint256 percent, uint256 profit, uint256 finish) = getResult(plan, msg.value);
        user.deposits.push(Deposit(plan, percent, msg.value, profit, block.timestamp, finish));

        totalStaked = totalStaked.add(msg.value);
        emit NewDeposit(msg.sender, plan, percent, msg.value, profit, block.timestamp, finish);

    function withdraw() public {
        User storage user = users[msg.sender];

        uint256 totalAmount = getUserDividends(msg.sender);
        uint256 fees = totalAmount.mul(WITHDRAW_FEE).div(10000);
           totalAmount = totalAmount.sub(fees);

        uint256 referralBonus = getUserReferralBonus(msg.sender);
        if (referralBonus > 0) {
            user.bonus = 0;
            totalAmount = totalAmount.add(referralBonus);

        require(totalAmount > 0, "User has no dividends");

        uint256 contractBalance = address(this).balance;
        if (contractBalance < totalAmount) {
            totalAmount = contractBalance;

        user.checkpoint = block.timestamp;


        emit Withdrawn(msg.sender, totalAmount);


    function getContractBalance() public view returns (uint256) {
        return address(this).balance;

    function getPlanInfo(uint8 plan) public view returns(uint256 time, uint256 percent) {
        time = plans[plan].time;
        percent = plans[plan].percent;

    function getPercent(uint8 plan) public view returns (uint256) {
        if (block.timestamp > startUNIX) {
            return plans[plan].percent.add(PERCENT_STEP.mul(block.timestamp.sub(startUNIX)).div(TIME_STEP));
        } else {
            return plans[plan].percent;

    function getResult(uint8 plan, uint256 deposit) public view returns (uint256 percent, uint256 profit, uint256 finish) {
        percent = getPercent(plan);

        if (plan < 3) {
            profit = deposit.mul(percent).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER).mul(plans[plan].time);
        } else if (plan < 6) {
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < plans[plan].time; i++) {
                profit = profit.add((deposit.add(profit)).mul(percent).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER));

        finish = block.timestamp.add(plans[plan].time.mul(TIME_STEP));

    function getUserDividends(address userAddress) public view returns (uint256) {
        User storage user = users[userAddress];

        uint256 totalAmount;

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < user.deposits.length; i++) {
            if (user.checkpoint < user.deposits[i].finish) {
                if (user.deposits[i].plan < 3) {
                    uint256 share = user.deposits[i].amount.mul(user.deposits[i].percent).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER);
                    uint256 from = user.deposits[i].start > user.checkpoint ? user.deposits[i].start : user.checkpoint;
                    uint256 to = user.deposits[i].finish < block.timestamp ? user.deposits[i].finish : block.timestamp;
                    if (from < to) {
                        totalAmount = totalAmount.add(share.mul(to.sub(from)).div(TIME_STEP));
                } else if (block.timestamp > user.deposits[i].finish) {
                    totalAmount = totalAmount.add(user.deposits[i].profit);

        return totalAmount;

    function getUserCheckpoint(address userAddress) public view returns(uint256) {
        return users[userAddress].checkpoint;

    function getUserReferrer(address userAddress) public view returns(address) {
        return users[userAddress].referrer;

    function getUserDownlineCount(address userAddress) public view returns(uint256, uint256, uint256) {
        return (users[userAddress].levels[0], users[userAddress].levels[1], users[userAddress].levels[2]);

    function getUserReferralBonus(address userAddress) public view returns(uint256) {
        return users[userAddress].bonus;

    function getUserReferralTotalBonus(address userAddress) public view returns(uint256) {
        return users[userAddress].totalBonus;

    function getUserReferralWithdrawn(address userAddress) public view returns(uint256) {
        return users[userAddress].totalBonus.sub(users[userAddress].bonus);

    function getUserAvailable(address userAddress) public view returns(uint256) {
        return getUserReferralBonus(userAddress).add(getUserDividends(userAddress));

    function getUserAmountOfDeposits(address userAddress) public view returns(uint256) {
        return users[userAddress].deposits.length;

    function getUserTotalDeposits(address userAddress) public view returns(uint256 amount) {
        for (uint256 i = 0; i < users[userAddress].deposits.length; i++) {
            amount = amount.add(users[userAddress].deposits[i].amount);

    function getUserDepositInfo(address userAddress, uint256 index) public view returns(uint8 plan, uint256 percent, uint256 amount, uint256 profit, uint256 start, uint256 finish) {
        User storage user = users[userAddress];

        plan = user.deposits[index].plan;
        percent = user.deposits[index].percent;
        amount = user.deposits[index].amount;
        profit = user.deposits[index].profit;
        start = user.deposits[index].start;
        finish = user.deposits[index].finish;

    function isContract(address addr) internal view returns (bool) {
        uint size;
        assembly { size := extcodesize(addr) }
        return size > 0;

library SafeMath {

    function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        uint256 c = a + b;
        require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow");

        return c;

    function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(b <= a, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow");
        uint256 c = a - b;

        return c;

    function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        if (a == 0) {
            return 0;

        uint256 c = a * b;
        require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow");

        return c;

    function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
        require(b > 0, "SafeMath: division by zero");
        uint256 c = a / b;

        return c;


一切都与您正在编译的 Solidity 版本有关。

pragma 声明指出此源代码与从 0.4.22 包括到 0.9.0 排除的所有版本兼容 - 但这并不完全正确。它仅与 0.7.x 以下的版本兼容。如果您使用 Solidity 版本 0.8.0 及更高版本进行编译,则需要将 msg.sender 类型 address 类型转换为类型 address payable.
