如何访问徽章中的 GitHub 操作输出

How to access GitHub action output in a badge

我有一个 GitHub 输出数字的操作工作流,我想在徽章中显示它。

使用 https://github.com/username/reponame/actions/workflows/myaction.yml/badge.svg 我得到一个红色或绿色的 failing/success 徽章,但我想改为显示失败次数,工作流将其输出到“错误”输出变量中。


在同一工作流中的后续作业(步骤)中,您可以。 我认为您想使用自己的徽章,例如https://img.shields.io。 我想象你会更新,例如每次操作完成时,README 文件,更新步骤将成为工作流程的一部分。可以像这里 .


您将附加例如带有适当 svg [![](https://img.shields.io/badge/TEXT-NUMBER-COLOR?style=flat)](some url).


Github actions marketplace 中的选项很少

带上你自己的徽章 - https://github.com/marketplace/actions/bring-your-own-badge

BYOB is a GitHub Action to create badges dynamically based off of GitHub Actions' results, allowing for extremely versatile and easily-maintainable badges.

如果你想使用https://shields.io/, consider Dynamic Badges - https://github.com/marketplace/actions/dynamic-badges

This action allows you to create badges for your README.md with shields.io which may change with every commit. To do this, this action does not need to push anything to your repository!