删除显示在 plotly 条形图的 hoverinfo 框外的名称(trace)

Remove name (trace) which is displayed out of the hoverinfo box of plotly bar chart


dp<-structure(list(`Demand Per Section` = c(125, 350, 100, 538, 75, 
25, 138, 138, 75, 150, 37, 225, 35, 40, 125, 25, 25, 125, 50, 
250, 88, 325, 4, 50, 6, 5, 500, 500, 3, 146, 5, 34, 15, 51, 2, 
32, 48, 18, 5, 6, 44, 16, 46, 12, 100, 750, 15, 500, 30, 333), 
    `Element Name` = c("Nitric acid (concentrated)", "Sulphuric acid(concentrated)", 
    "2-hydroxybenzoic acid", "Acetic anhydride", "2-Naphthol", 
    "Sodium Hydroxide", "Phenyl hydrazine hydrochloride", "Glucose", 
    "Sodium acetate", "Aniline", "Zinc poweder", "2-amino-benzoic acid", 
    "1.3-dihydroxybenzene", "Ethyl acetate", "hydroxy benzene", 
    "phenyl methanol", "Sodium carbonate", "Potassium permanganate", 
    "Sodium bisulfite.", "Hydrochloric acid (concentrated)", 
    "Sodium nitrite", "Copper(II) sulfate", "Methyl orange", 
    "EtOH", "Distilled water", "cuper ion", "ammonium hydroxide", 
    "ammonium hydroxide", "Iron( III)", "Potassium Thiocyanate", 
    "ferric ammonium sulfate", "Ammonium Sulfate", "sodium hypochlorite", 
    "Acetic acid", "Phenolphthalein", "Sodium carbonate", "Sodum hydroxide", 
    "Acetic acid", "Phenolphthalein", "Methyl orange", "Phosphoric acid", 
    "Sodium carbonate", "Iron(II) sulfate", "Potassium permanganate", 
    "Sulfuric Acid", "Barium Chloride.monoHydrate", "Distilled water", 
    "nickel Sulphate", "Dimethyl glyoxime (DMG)", "Calsium chloride"
    ), Department = c("Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", 
    "Chemsitry", "Physics", "Physics", "Physics", "Physics", 
    "Physics", "Physics", "Physics", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", 
    "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry","Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", 
    "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", 
    "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", 
    "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", 
    "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", 
    "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry", 
    "Chemsitry", "Chemsitry"), DemandCourse = c(375, 1050, 300, 
    1614, 225, 75, 414, 414, 225, 450, 111, 675, 105, 120, 375, 
    75, 75, 375, 150, 750, 264, 975, 20, 250, 30, 25, 2500, 2500, 
    15, 730, 25, 170, 75, 255, 10, 160, 144, 54, 15, 18, 132, 
    48, 138, 36, 300, 2250, 45, 1500, 90, 999), `Amount Available` = c(1000, 
    3000, 4000, 1000, 750, 750, 2000, 5000, 150, 24000, 450, 
    3000, 1400, 400, 400, 250, 250, 1000, 1000, 7500, 6400, 900, 
    250, 1500, 20000, 50, 300, 4000, 200, 3000, 500, 1200, 1000, 
    6000, 900, 250, 200, 6000, 900, 250, 200, 250, 150, 1000, 
    15000, 3000, 20000, 1500, 600, 7500)), row.names = c(NA, 
-50L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), na.action = structure(c(`1` = 1L, 
`24` = 24L, `32` = 32L, `36` = 36L, `38` = 38L, `42` = 42L, `45` = 45L, 
`49` = 49L, `66` = 66L, `111` = 111L, `140` = 140L, `151` = 151L, 
`154` = 154L, `164` = 164L, `169` = 169L, `171` = 171L, `175` = 175L,`185` = 185L, `193` = 193L, `227` = 227L, `252` = 252L, `253` = 253L, 
`256` = 256L, `257` = 257L, `258` = 258L, `262` = 262L, `263` = 263L, 
`265` = 265L, `275` = 275L, `276` = 276L, `277` = 277L, `279` = 279L, 
`280` = 280L, `281` = 281L, `282` = 282L, `283` = 283L, `284` = 284L, 
`285` = 285L, `286` = 286L, `288` = 288L, `289` = 289L, `290` = 290L, 
`291` = 291L, `292` = 292L, `293` = 293L, `298` = 298L, `299` = 299L, 
`300` = 300L, `302` = 302L, `303` = 303L, `304` = 304L, `308` = 308L, 
`309` = 309L, `310` = 310L, `311` = 311L, `312` = 312L, `314` = 314L, 
`315` = 315L, `316` = 316L, `317` = 317L, `318` = 318L, `319` = 319L, 
`323` = 323L, `325` = 325L), class = "omit"))

然后我创建了下面的堆积条形图。悬停文本的问题是 name 是开箱即用的,应该从那里删除。

fig <- plot_ly(x = ~`Element Name`,text=~Department,
data = dp) %>% 
  add_bars(y = ~`DemandCourse`, name = "Demand",
           hovertemplate = "Chemical Name: %{x}<br>Demand: %{y}<br>Department: %{text}") %>% 
  add_bars(y = ~`Amount Available`, name = "Amount Available",
           hovertemplate = "Chemical Name: %{x}<br>Available Amount: %{y}<br>Department: %{text}") %>% 
  layout(showLegend = T, barmode = "stack",
         xaxis = list(title = "Element Name",tickangle=45),
         yaxis = list(title = "Amount Available"),
         title="Amount and Demand per Element")

<extra></extra> 添加到 hovertemplate 字段中字符串的末尾。例如,hovertemplate = "Chemical Name: %{x}<br>Available Amount: %{y}<br>Department: %{text}<extra></extra>"