属性 `deleteVisual` 在页面类型上不存在

Property `deleteVisual` doesn't exist on type Page

我有一个使用 Angular 嵌入的 powerbi 报告。我想删除报告的视觉效果。这是我为 deleteVisual 函数实现的代码。

deleteVisual() {
    // Get report
    const report = await this.reportObj.getReport();

    if (!report){ 
       console.log(“Report Not available”);

    // Get all the pages of the report
    const pages = await report.getPages();

   // Check if all the pages of the report deleted
   if (pages.length === 0) {
       console.log(“No pages found”);

   // Get active page of the report
   const activePage = pages.find((page) => page.isActive);

   if (activePage) 
      // Get all visuals in the active page of the report
      const visuals = await activePage.getVisuals();

  if (visuals.length === 0) {
    console.log('No visuals found.');

  // Get first visible visual
  const visual = visuals.find((v) => v.layout.displayState?.mode === 

  if (!visual) {
    console.log('No visible visual available to delete.');

  try {
    // Delete the visual using powerbi-report-authoring
    const response = await activePage.deleteVisual(visual.name);
        console.log(`${visual.type} , visual was deleted.`);

    return response;
  } catch (error) {


我收到错误提示 属性 deleteVisual 在页面类型上不存在。还有为什么 getVisualsgetReport 甚至 deletePage 工作正常但在使用此 deleteVisual 时出现错误。我想附上错误的 ss 但我没有足够的声誉 post images.Can 谁能帮助我解决这个问题。

要使用 deleteVisual 请安装 powerbi-report-authoring 库。 使用 npm 你可以通过这个命令安装

npm i powerbi-report-authoring


https://docs.microsoft.com/javascript/api/overview/powerbi/remove-visual https://www.npmjs.com/package/powerbi-report-authoring