使用 x509 证书访问 Kubernetes API

Accessing Kuberentes API using x509 certificate

我已经创建了由 Kubernetes API 服务器的 CA 签名的私钥和证书。我已经在 ~/.kube/config 文件中配置了用户、集群和上下文。使用用户拥有客户端证书和密钥的上下文,使用 client-go 库对 Kubernetes API 服务器进行 API 调用的过程是什么。

this documentation中可以找到以下摘录:

k8s.io/client-go and tools using it such as kubectl and kubelet are able to execute an external command to receive user credentials. (...)

To authenticate against the API:

  • The user issues a kubectl command.
  • Credential plugin prompts the user for LDAP credentials, exchanges credentials with external service for a token.
  • Credential plugin returns token to client-go, which uses it as a bearer token against the API server.
  • API server uses the webhook token authenticator to submit a TokenReview to the external service.
  • External service verifies the signature on the token and returns the user's username and groups.
