Strlen、Malloc 和地址运算

Strlen, Malloc and address arithmetic

需要一些帮助来分解这个 C 函数。我被困在 malloc 线上。我不明白“+8”在做什么 and/or 为什么它在那里。我的研究表明它与地址运算有关。另外,我不介意一些帮助来检查我对每行代码的其余细分(注释)是否正确。

    // Prints help message to the console
    // Returns a string
    char * helloWorld(char * name) {                                //The * is a pointer to an address. (char * name) = the address to a char pointer stored/passed via name.
        char * answer = malloc(strlen(name) + 8);                   //syntax = (cast-type*) malloc(byte-size); answer has a * because malloc returns a void pointer. The * deferences the pointer
                                                                    //and tells the program to use the value at that member address.
                                                                    //strlen returns a 
        printf("This prints to the console when you Run Tests");
        strcpy(answer, "Hello, ");                                  //This returns a pointer to the destination string dest. char *strcpy(char *dest, const char *src)
                                                                //(answer {dest}, "Hello, "{string to be copied to dest}) *dest= The value at the pointer of src("Hello, ") will be assigned.
        strcat(answer {des}, name {src});               //char *strcat(char *dest, const char *src) --> appends the string pointed to by src to the end of the string pointed to by dest.
        return answer;                                  //adds name to the end of answer. -->Hello, name.

它需要足够的内存用于输入字符串(strlen 的结果)、前缀 "Hello, "(7 个字符)和终止 NUL 字符(1 个字符),因此将 8 添加到strlen 获取分配所需的总内存。


// Prints help message to the console
// Returns a string
char * helloWorld(char * name) {                                //The * is a pointer to an address. (char * name) = the address to a char pointer stored/passed via name.
    static const char PREFIX[] = "Hello, ";
    // Conveniently, the size of the array includes the NUL too
    char * answer = malloc(strlen(name) + sizeof(PREFIX));                   //syntax = (cast-type*) malloc(byte-size); answer has a * because malloc returns a void pointer. The * deferences the pointer
                                                                //and tells the program to use the value at that member address.
                                                                //strlen returns a 
    printf("This prints to the console when you Run Tests");
    strcpy(answer, PREFIX);                                  //This returns a pointer to the destination string dest. char *strcpy(char *dest, const char *src)
                                                            //(answer {dest}, "Hello, "{string to be copied to dest}) *dest= The value at the pointer of src("Hello, ") will be assigned.
    strcat(answer {des}, name {src});               //char *strcat(char *dest, const char *src) --> appends the string pointed to by src to the end of the string pointed to by dest.
    return answer;                                  //adds name to the end of answer. -->Hello, name.


跟地址运算完全没有关系。 strlen(name) + 8 就是这样;将长度 name 加 8。

8 是由字符串长度 Hello, (7 个字节)加上结果字符串的空终止符的 1 个字节组成的幻数。

My research revealed it has something to do with address arithmetic.


您没有告诉我们您希望看到什么而不是 +8

如果您直接使用 strlen(name),则没有终止 0 字节的空间。

而且也只有复制空间name到新的内存中。但是您想在内存区域的开头添加 "Hello, " 。 该字符串占用 7 个字节。

最后,"Hello, " 的 7 个字节和以 0 字节终止字符串的 1 个字节,总共 8 个字节,您在分配内存时必须添加这些字节。

这里没有指针运算。 malloc 函数被告知分配 strlen(name) + 8 字节的内存,即足够 name 加上额外的 7 个字符和一个空终止字节。

以下行将字符串 "Hello, " 复制到 answer,然后将 name 连接到它上面。前导字符串 "Hello, " 有 7 个字符,因此这就是分配时额外的 7 个字符。

如果您写信回答,您必须确保它有足够的 space 来容纳整个结果字符串。因为这个大小只在运行时需要,所以 space 被分配。 (第二个原因是你 return 它的地址,所以你不能把它放在堆栈上)。

如果您查看您看到的代码,答案将是 Hello, (长度 = 7)加上名称(长度 = strlen(name))加上终止空字节(长度 = 1) .所以 strlen(name) + 8 将完全符合答案。

+8 这里与其他答案提到的指针算法无关。在 malloc 中,您指定要在内存中分配的字节数。 strlen(name)name字符串中char的个数,8是字符串文字“Hello,”的字节数,包括空终止符。

从这行注释开始,char * 没有取消对 void 指针的引用。它是 char* 的变量声明,其中右侧可以隐式转换为 char*.

char * answer = malloc(strlen(name) + 8); // syntax = (cast-type*) malloc(byte-size); answer has a * because malloc returns a void pointer. The * deferences the pointer


"Hello, N6DYN"


所以魔术数字 8 表示存储在内存中的字符串 "Hello, " 的大小

{ 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', '[=11=]' }


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

char * helloWorld( const char * name ) 
    const char *hello = "Hello, ";

    char *answer = malloc( strlen( name ) + strlen( hello ) + 1 );                           

    if ( answer != NULL )
        strcpy( answer, hello );                                                                           
        strcat( answer, name );

    return answer;

int main( void )
    char name[100] = "";

    printf( "Enter your name: " );

    scanf( "%99s", name );

    char *hello = helloWorld( name );

    if ( hello != NULL ) puts( hello );

    free( hello );


const char *hello = "Hello, ";

char *answer = malloc( strlen( name ) + strlen( hello ) + 1 );                           


const char hello[] = "Hello, ";

char *answer = malloc( strlen( name ) + sizeof( hello ) );                           

在这种情况下 sizeof( hello ) 等于 8 如果写 strlen( hello ) + 1.
