
Label of multiline text input broken?

我有一个 TextInput 已设置为多行。它有一个很长的标题,并且呈现为损坏的标签(错误的位置)。


function onDefaultHomePageOpen(e) {
  let introText = CardService.newTextParagraph()

  let checkAddressAction = CardService.newAction()

  let addrInput = CardService.newTextInput()
    .setTitle("Quelle est votre adresse de départ habituelle ? (votre domicile ou votre bureau)")

  /* some other stuff here */

  let homeSection = CardService.newCardSection()
  return CardService.newCardBuilder()





来自 Copy Macros,工作区 add-ons 样本:

   .setValue(sourceScriptId || '')
   .setTitle('Script ID of the source macro')
   .setHint('You must have at least edit permission for the source spreadsheet to access its script project'))


Writing style

You shouldn’t need to write much. Most actions should be made clear through iconography, layout, and short labels. If you find a portion of your add-on needs more extensive explanation than short labels can provide, it's a best practice to create a separate web page describing your add-on and link to it.

When writing UI text:

  • Use sentence case (especially for buttons, labels, and card actions).
  • Prefer short, simple text without jargon or acronyms.