Dice continuous sum game Java
我是编程新手,正在尝试制作骰子游戏。该游戏由三个骰子组成,每轮总和为 12(任意数量的骰子)。每个骰子每轮只能掷一次。
在每一轮中,玩家必须能够选择:1 掷骰子 1,2 掷骰子 2,3 掷骰子 3,q 退出游戏。程序必须在所选骰子上随机找到一个值,然后计算分数。该程序还应显示获胜的次数和输掉的回合数。 程序应继续运行,直到用户选择取消游戏。 无论骰子的数量如何,损失的定义是在掷完所有三个骰子后总和超过 12。如果三掷后总和小于12,则没有盈亏,直接进入下一轮。
所以目前我的代码只工作了一轮,问题在第二轮开始时就开始了。新的骰子只是我给它的输入,而不是随机值 (1-6)。
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class Main{
//Declaring int variables for all 3 dice
static int dice1;
static int dice2;
static int dice3;
//Declaring true/false for which dice that is thrown, can't be thrown more than 1 time in each round.
static boolean dice1Thrown = false;
static boolean dice2Thrown = false;
static boolean dice3Thrown = false;
//Method for which dice is thrown - the input the user choses (1, 2, 3 or q)
static char diceToThrow;
//Method that checks what number 1-6 the dice roll. sum by default is 0
static int sum = 0;
//Method for keep track of # wins
static int wins;
//Method keep tracks of # losses
static int losses;
//If firstGame = true it will print "Welcome to the game 12" if false, it doesn't print that every round
static boolean firstGame = true;
//Int for keeping track of when dice thrown is = 3. Go to next round.
static int rounds;
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Welcome to the game 12. You must roll 1-3 dice and try to get the sum 12 ... ");
firstGame = false;
System.out.printf("Enter which dice you want to roll [1,2,3] (exit with q): ");
//Calling method diceToThrow, chosing input 1,2,3 or q
diceToThrow = scan.next().charAt(0);
//sum = dice1 + dice2 + dice3
//If user gets 12 store int wins as +1, if lose store int loss as +1
//Printing dices, if input from user is 1, it shows sum of first dice etc.
System.out.printf(dice1 + " " + dice2 + " " + dice3 + " sum: " + sum + " #win: " + wins + " #loss: " + losses+ " ");
//Calling method for round score.
//Method created for sum calculating, called in Main method
}static void calcSum(){
sum = (dice1 + dice2 + dice3);
//Method created for dice1, dice2, dice3 and char q (as exit). Dice generates random number between 0-5 and always adds + 1 (1-6)
static void tärningsKast(char diceToThrow){
Random rand = new Random();
//If user input = 1, generate dice1
if(diceToThrow == '1' && !dice1Thrown){
dice1 = rand.nextInt(6) + 1;
dice1Thrown = true;
//If user input = 2, generate dice2
else if(diceToThrow == '2' && !dice2Thrown){
dice2 = rand.nextInt(6) +1;
//If user input = 3, generate dice3
}else if(diceToThrow == '3' && !dice3Thrown){
dice3 = rand.nextInt(6) + 1;
dice3Thrown = true;
//If user input = char q, Print "Game Over!" and exit game.
}else if(diceToThrow == 'q'){
System.out.println("Game Over!");
static void winOrLose(){
if(sum == 12){
else if(sum > 12){
static void checkRounds(){
if(rounds == 3)
System.out.println("\n" + "Next round!");
dice1 = 0;
dice2 = 0;
dice3 = 0;
rounds = 0;
当您准备进行下一轮时,方法 tärningsKast() 只会在每一轮都没有掷骰子的情况下一次又一次地工作。
我找到的解决方案是将 dice1Thrown、dice2Thrown 和 dice3Thrown 设置为 false 在打印下一轮开始的 if 语句上。
static void checkRounds(){
if(rounds == 3)
System.out.println("\n" + "Next round!");
dice1 = 0;
dice2 = 0;
dice3 = 0;
rounds = 0;
dice1Thrown = false;
dice2Thrown = false;
dice3Thrown = false;
- 设置一个断点来调试打印“下一轮”的行。
- 调试器到达该行后,在方法的第一行设置一个断点 tärningsKast(),然后在每次检查 if、else if 和等 diceNThrown 变量仍然设置为真,所以 none 的条件将匹配。
“你的意思是,如果你想在第 2 轮中停止比赛?”
首先我会用你的 checkRounds() 方法来检查它是否要停止游戏,这意味着用户是否已经玩了两轮。
//Declaring int variables for all 3 dice
static int dice1;
static int dice2;
static int dice3;
//Declaring true/false for which dice that is thrown, can't be thrown more than 1 time in each round.
static boolean dice1Thrown = false;
static boolean dice2Thrown = false;
static boolean dice3Thrown = false;
//Method for which dice is thrown - the input the user choses (1, 2, 3 or q)
static char diceToThrow;
//Method that checks what number 1-6 the dice roll. sum by default is 0
static int sum = 0;
//Method for keep track of # wins
static int wins;
//Method keep tracks of # losses
static int losses;
//If firstGame = true it will print "Welcome to the game 12" if false, it doesn't print that every round
static boolean firstGame = true;
//Int for keeping track of when dice thrown is = 3. Go to next round.
static int attempts;
// keeping track of the number of rounds
static int rounds = 0;
// desired number of rounds to play
static final int LIMIT_OF_ROUNDS = 5;
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Welcome to the game 12. You must roll 1-3 dice and try to get the sum 12 ... ");
firstGame = false;
System.out.printf("Enter which dice you want to roll [1,2,3] (exit with q): ");
//Calling method diceToThrow, chosing input 1,2,3 or q
diceToThrow = scan.next().charAt(0);
//sum = dice1 + dice2 + dice3
//If user gets 12 store int wins as +1, if lose store int loss as +1
//Printing dices, if input from user is 1, it shows sum of first dice etc.
System.out.printf(dice1 + " " + dice2 + " " + dice3 + " sum: " + sum + " #win: " + wins + " #loss: " + losses+ " ");
//Calling method for round score.
//Method created for sum calculating, called in Main method
}static void calcSum(){
sum = (dice1 + dice2 + dice3);
//Method created for dice1, dice2, dice3 and char q (as exit). Dice generates random number between 0-5 and always adds + 1 (1-6)
static void tärningsKast(char diceToThrow){
Random rand = new Random();
//If user input = 1, generate dice1
if(diceToThrow == '1' && !dice1Thrown){
dice1 = rand.nextInt(6) + 1;
dice1Thrown = true;
//If user input = 2, generate dice2
else if(diceToThrow == '2' && !dice2Thrown){
dice2 = rand.nextInt(6) +1;
//If user input = 3, generate dice3
}else if(diceToThrow == '3' && !dice3Thrown){
dice3 = rand.nextInt(6) + 1;
dice3Thrown = true;
//If user input = char q, Print "Game Over!" and exit game.
}else if(diceToThrow == 'q'){
System.out.println("Game Over!");
static void winOrLose(){
if(sum == 12){
else if(sum > 12){
static void checkAttempts(){
if(attempts == 3)
System.out.println("\n" + "Next round!");
dice1 = 0;
dice2 = 0;
dice3 = 0;
attempts = 0;
dice1Thrown = false;
dice2Thrown = false;
dice3Thrown = false;
static void checkRounds(int rounds) {
if (rounds == LIMIT_OF_ROUNDS) {
我是编程新手,正在尝试制作骰子游戏。该游戏由三个骰子组成,每轮总和为 12(任意数量的骰子)。每个骰子每轮只能掷一次。
在每一轮中,玩家必须能够选择:1 掷骰子 1,2 掷骰子 2,3 掷骰子 3,q 退出游戏。程序必须在所选骰子上随机找到一个值,然后计算分数。该程序还应显示获胜的次数和输掉的回合数。 程序应继续运行,直到用户选择取消游戏。 无论骰子的数量如何,损失的定义是在掷完所有三个骰子后总和超过 12。如果三掷后总和小于12,则没有盈亏,直接进入下一轮。
所以目前我的代码只工作了一轮,问题在第二轮开始时就开始了。新的骰子只是我给它的输入,而不是随机值 (1-6)。
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class Main{
//Declaring int variables for all 3 dice
static int dice1;
static int dice2;
static int dice3;
//Declaring true/false for which dice that is thrown, can't be thrown more than 1 time in each round.
static boolean dice1Thrown = false;
static boolean dice2Thrown = false;
static boolean dice3Thrown = false;
//Method for which dice is thrown - the input the user choses (1, 2, 3 or q)
static char diceToThrow;
//Method that checks what number 1-6 the dice roll. sum by default is 0
static int sum = 0;
//Method for keep track of # wins
static int wins;
//Method keep tracks of # losses
static int losses;
//If firstGame = true it will print "Welcome to the game 12" if false, it doesn't print that every round
static boolean firstGame = true;
//Int for keeping track of when dice thrown is = 3. Go to next round.
static int rounds;
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Welcome to the game 12. You must roll 1-3 dice and try to get the sum 12 ... ");
firstGame = false;
System.out.printf("Enter which dice you want to roll [1,2,3] (exit with q): ");
//Calling method diceToThrow, chosing input 1,2,3 or q
diceToThrow = scan.next().charAt(0);
//sum = dice1 + dice2 + dice3
//If user gets 12 store int wins as +1, if lose store int loss as +1
//Printing dices, if input from user is 1, it shows sum of first dice etc.
System.out.printf(dice1 + " " + dice2 + " " + dice3 + " sum: " + sum + " #win: " + wins + " #loss: " + losses+ " ");
//Calling method for round score.
//Method created for sum calculating, called in Main method
}static void calcSum(){
sum = (dice1 + dice2 + dice3);
//Method created for dice1, dice2, dice3 and char q (as exit). Dice generates random number between 0-5 and always adds + 1 (1-6)
static void tärningsKast(char diceToThrow){
Random rand = new Random();
//If user input = 1, generate dice1
if(diceToThrow == '1' && !dice1Thrown){
dice1 = rand.nextInt(6) + 1;
dice1Thrown = true;
//If user input = 2, generate dice2
else if(diceToThrow == '2' && !dice2Thrown){
dice2 = rand.nextInt(6) +1;
//If user input = 3, generate dice3
}else if(diceToThrow == '3' && !dice3Thrown){
dice3 = rand.nextInt(6) + 1;
dice3Thrown = true;
//If user input = char q, Print "Game Over!" and exit game.
}else if(diceToThrow == 'q'){
System.out.println("Game Over!");
static void winOrLose(){
if(sum == 12){
else if(sum > 12){
static void checkRounds(){
if(rounds == 3)
System.out.println("\n" + "Next round!");
dice1 = 0;
dice2 = 0;
dice3 = 0;
rounds = 0;
当您准备进行下一轮时,方法 tärningsKast() 只会在每一轮都没有掷骰子的情况下一次又一次地工作。
我找到的解决方案是将 dice1Thrown、dice2Thrown 和 dice3Thrown 设置为 false 在打印下一轮开始的 if 语句上。
static void checkRounds(){
if(rounds == 3)
System.out.println("\n" + "Next round!");
dice1 = 0;
dice2 = 0;
dice3 = 0;
rounds = 0;
dice1Thrown = false;
dice2Thrown = false;
dice3Thrown = false;
- 设置一个断点来调试打印“下一轮”的行。
- 调试器到达该行后,在方法的第一行设置一个断点 tärningsKast(),然后在每次检查 if、else if 和等 diceNThrown 变量仍然设置为真,所以 none 的条件将匹配。
“你的意思是,如果你想在第 2 轮中停止比赛?” “是的,就像那样”
首先我会用你的 checkRounds() 方法来检查它是否要停止游戏,这意味着用户是否已经玩了两轮。
//Declaring int variables for all 3 dice
static int dice1;
static int dice2;
static int dice3;
//Declaring true/false for which dice that is thrown, can't be thrown more than 1 time in each round.
static boolean dice1Thrown = false;
static boolean dice2Thrown = false;
static boolean dice3Thrown = false;
//Method for which dice is thrown - the input the user choses (1, 2, 3 or q)
static char diceToThrow;
//Method that checks what number 1-6 the dice roll. sum by default is 0
static int sum = 0;
//Method for keep track of # wins
static int wins;
//Method keep tracks of # losses
static int losses;
//If firstGame = true it will print "Welcome to the game 12" if false, it doesn't print that every round
static boolean firstGame = true;
//Int for keeping track of when dice thrown is = 3. Go to next round.
static int attempts;
// keeping track of the number of rounds
static int rounds = 0;
// desired number of rounds to play
static final int LIMIT_OF_ROUNDS = 5;
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Welcome to the game 12. You must roll 1-3 dice and try to get the sum 12 ... ");
firstGame = false;
System.out.printf("Enter which dice you want to roll [1,2,3] (exit with q): ");
//Calling method diceToThrow, chosing input 1,2,3 or q
diceToThrow = scan.next().charAt(0);
//sum = dice1 + dice2 + dice3
//If user gets 12 store int wins as +1, if lose store int loss as +1
//Printing dices, if input from user is 1, it shows sum of first dice etc.
System.out.printf(dice1 + " " + dice2 + " " + dice3 + " sum: " + sum + " #win: " + wins + " #loss: " + losses+ " ");
//Calling method for round score.
//Method created for sum calculating, called in Main method
}static void calcSum(){
sum = (dice1 + dice2 + dice3);
//Method created for dice1, dice2, dice3 and char q (as exit). Dice generates random number between 0-5 and always adds + 1 (1-6)
static void tärningsKast(char diceToThrow){
Random rand = new Random();
//If user input = 1, generate dice1
if(diceToThrow == '1' && !dice1Thrown){
dice1 = rand.nextInt(6) + 1;
dice1Thrown = true;
//If user input = 2, generate dice2
else if(diceToThrow == '2' && !dice2Thrown){
dice2 = rand.nextInt(6) +1;
//If user input = 3, generate dice3
}else if(diceToThrow == '3' && !dice3Thrown){
dice3 = rand.nextInt(6) + 1;
dice3Thrown = true;
//If user input = char q, Print "Game Over!" and exit game.
}else if(diceToThrow == 'q'){
System.out.println("Game Over!");
static void winOrLose(){
if(sum == 12){
else if(sum > 12){
static void checkAttempts(){
if(attempts == 3)
System.out.println("\n" + "Next round!");
dice1 = 0;
dice2 = 0;
dice3 = 0;
attempts = 0;
dice1Thrown = false;
dice2Thrown = false;
dice3Thrown = false;
static void checkRounds(int rounds) {
if (rounds == LIMIT_OF_ROUNDS) {