Azure 事件网格中的死信不起作用
dead lettering in Azure event grid does not work
根据 Microsoft documentation,事件网格不会对特定错误(如 400、413、401)实施重试。在这种情况下,事件网格将对事件执行死信处理,或者在事件停止时丢弃事件-字母未配置。
所以我在我的 webhook(接收方端点)上启用了死信并产生了 400 错误。但它仍然没有被捕获到死信日志容器中。
请查看 Event Grid message delivery and retry - Dead-letter events 文档,看看您的配置是否正确。
By default, Event Grid doesn't turn on dead-lettering. To enable it, you must specify a storage account to hold undelivered events when creating the event subscription. You pull events from this storage account to resolve deliveries.
Before setting the dead-letter location, you must have a storage account with a container. You provide the endpoint for this container when creating the event subscription. The endpoint is in the format of: /subscriptions/<subscription-id>/resourceGroups/<resource-group-name>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<storage-name>/blobServices/default/containers/<container-name>
There's a five-minute delay between the last attempt to deliver an event and when it's delivered to the dead-letter location. This delay is intended to reduce the number of Blob storage operations. If the dead-letter location is unavailable for four hours, the event is dropped.
根据 Microsoft documentation,事件网格不会对特定错误(如 400、413、401)实施重试。在这种情况下,事件网格将对事件执行死信处理,或者在事件停止时丢弃事件-字母未配置。
所以我在我的 webhook(接收方端点)上启用了死信并产生了 400 错误。但它仍然没有被捕获到死信日志容器中。 有什么我想念的吗?
请查看 Event Grid message delivery and retry - Dead-letter events 文档,看看您的配置是否正确。
By default, Event Grid doesn't turn on dead-lettering. To enable it, you must specify a storage account to hold undelivered events when creating the event subscription. You pull events from this storage account to resolve deliveries.
Before setting the dead-letter location, you must have a storage account with a container. You provide the endpoint for this container when creating the event subscription. The endpoint is in the format of:
There's a five-minute delay between the last attempt to deliver an event and when it's delivered to the dead-letter location. This delay is intended to reduce the number of Blob storage operations. If the dead-letter location is unavailable for four hours, the event is dropped.