vue 3 中有多个模块的名称仅在大小写上不同

There are multiple modules with names that only differ in casing in vue 3

我正在开发 Vue 3 应用程序我在 sass 中使用 SVG 代码作为背景 URL。

$bg-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 14 11'><path fill='#{$color}' d='M4.89557 6.49823L2.79487 4.26513C2.26967 3.70683 1.38251 3.70683 0.857309 4.26513C0.375593 4.77721 0.375593 5.57574 0.857309 6.08781L4.74989 10.2257C5.14476 10.6455 5.81176 10.6455 6.20663 10.2257L13.1427 2.85252C13.6244 2.34044 13.6244 1.54191 13.1427 1.02984C12.6175 0.471537 11.7303 0.471536 11.2051 1.02984L6.06096 6.49823C5.74506 6.83403 5.21146 6.83403 4.89557 6.49823Z'/></svg>");

到目前为止一切正常,但是当我更新 vue 版本时 + 一些额外的 vue 相关依赖项,如 vuex、eslint-plugin-vue 等。

npm run serve 项目正常运行,但我开始在我的代码中收到下面的警告。

warning  in data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns=%27 viewBox=%270 0 9 8%27%3e%3cpath fill=%27%23FFFFFF%27 d=%27M4.42111 5.93537C4.22088 6.03839 3.9637 6.0191 3.78597 5.87137L0.177181 2.87153C-0.046034 2.68598 -0.060261 2.36951 0.145404 2.16468C0.351069 1.95985 0.698744 1.94422 0.921959 2.12977L4.14137 4.80594L7.06417 2.15586C7.27904 1.96104 7.62686 1.96165 7.84105 2.15722C8.05524 2.35279 8.05469 2.66927 7.83982 2.86409L4.54449 5.85194C4.50704 5.8859 4.46541 5.91371 4.42111 5.93537Z%27/%3e%3c/svg%3e

There are multiple modules with names that only differ in casing.
This can lead to unexpected behavior when compiling on a filesystem with other case-semantic.
Use equal casing. Compare these module identifiers:

将十六进制颜色从 #FFFFFF 更改为 #ffffff 显然解决了这个问题。