无法在 Macos zsh 中从 near-api-js 执行 ViewFunction,但它在 Powershell 中工作正常

Cannot Perform ViewFunction from near-api-js in Macos zsh but it works fine in Powershell

我在尝试执行 near-api-js viewFunction 时 运行 遇到了一些错误。 我制作了一个脚本来检查从 API 正文解析的 accountId 的存储余额。 当我从 API 收到 accountId 解析时,我解析到这个 ftGetStorageBalance 函数,从那里 args: { account_id: accountId } 被解析到 accountViewFunction.


    async ftGetStorageBalance(
    tokenId: string,
    accountId: string,
  ): Promise<FTStorageBalance | null> {
    try {
      const config = await this.getDefaultConfig();
      const connection = await this.getConnect(config);
      const account = await this.getAccount(this.nearCfg.accountId, connection);
      return this.accountViewFunction(
          methodName: 'storage_balance_of',
          args: { account_id: accountId },
    } catch (e) {
      throw new Error(e);


async accountViewFunction(
    { methodName, args }: ViewFunctionOptions,
    account: nearAPI.Account,
    contractId: string,
  ): Promise<any> {
    // retrieve account_id from args

    //access the first key in the args
    // const key = Object.keys(args)[0];
    // retrieve the value of the key
    // const accountId = args[key];
    // const jsonArgs = { account_id: accountId };
    // const test = `{ "account_id" : "${accountId}" }`;
    // const jsontest = JSON.parse(test);
    // console.log(jsontest);
    // const bufferArgs = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(jsonArgs));

    return account.viewFunction(contractId, methodName, args);

我试过 console.log 参数,这是我得到的:

{ account_id: 'phuocsrp3.testnet' }


 * Invoke a contract view function using the RPC API.
     * @see {@link https://docs.near.org/docs/develop/front-end/rpc#call-a-contract-function}
     * @param contractId NEAR account where the contract is deployed
     * @param methodName The view-only method (no state mutations) name on the contract as it is written in the contract code
     * @param args Any arguments to the view contract method, wrapped in JSON
     * @param options.parse Parse the result of the call. Receives a Buffer (bytes array) and converts it to any object. By default result will be treated as json.
     * @param options.stringify Convert input arguments into a bytes array. By default the input is treated as a JSON.
     * @returns {Promise<any>}
    viewFunction(contractId: string, methodName: string, args?: any, { parse, stringify }?: {
        parse?: typeof parseJsonFromRawResponse;
        stringify?: typeof bytesJsonStringify;
    }): Promise<any>;

所以我尝试用上面脚本中的 JSON.stringify(jsonArgs) 内容甚至 Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(jsonArgs)) 但它 运行 进入错误堆栈:

TypedError: [-32700] Parse error: Failed parsing args: missing field account_id
    at /Users/phuocha/Documents/phuoc_dev/work/starpunk-crosschain-starpad/node_modules/near-api-js/lib/providers/json-rpc-provider.js:329:31
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
    at Object.exponentialBackoff [as default] (/Users/phuocha/Documents/phuoc_dev/work/starpunk-crosschain-starpad/node_modules/near-api-js/lib/utils/exponential-backoff.js:7:24)
    at JsonRpcProvider.sendJsonRpc (/Users/phuocha/Documents/phuoc_dev/work/starpunk-crosschain-starpad/node_modules/near-api-js/lib/providers/json-rpc-provider.js:304:26)
    at JsonRpcProvider.query (/Users/phuocha/Documents/phuoc_dev/work/starpunk-crosschain-starpad/node_modules/near-api-js/lib/providers/json-rpc-provider.js:116:22)
    at Account.viewFunction (/Users/phuocha/Documents/phuoc_dev/work/starpunk-crosschain-starpad/node_modules/near-api-js/lib/account.js:366:24)
    at NearUtilsService.singleCheckStorageAndSendToken (/Users/phuocha/Documents/phuoc_dev/work/starpunk-crosschain-starpad/src/application/near/utils/near.utils.service.ts:478:28)
    at NearController.testsend (/Users/phuocha/Documents/phuoc_dev/work/starpunk-crosschain-starpad/src/application/near/near.controller.ts:58:20)
    at /Users/phuocha/Documents/phuoc_dev/work/starpunk-crosschain-starpad/node_modules/@nestjs/core/router/router-execution-context.js:46:28
    at /Users/phuocha/Documents/phuoc_dev/work/starpunk-crosschain-starpad/node_modules/@nestjs/core/router/router-proxy.js:9:17 {
  type: 'UntypedError',
  context: undefined

上述功能在 Powershell 中运行良好,但在 macos 环境中却无法正常工作。

这是关于我的环境的信息: 节点版本:14.18.3 近api-js:0.44.2 Nestjs: 8.0.0

以上脚本我参考自: https://github.com/ref-finance/ref-ui/blob/main/src/services/near.ts


参数没有问题 (args)。当您调用 viewFunction() 时,您正在使用 token_id 作为 contractId。也许您可以传递正确的 contractId?

// Signature is fine. It expects a contractId, but you pass a tokenId when you call it.
accountViewFunction({ methodName, args },account,contractId){
  return account.viewFunction(contractId, methodName, args);

  methodName: 'storage_balance_of',
  args: { account_id: accountId },
 tokenId, // <-- you use this as contractId. 

尝试传递 contractId

  methodName: 'storage_balance_of',
  args: { account_id: accountId },
 this.contract.contractId, // <-- Use the contract's contractId

我们在办公时间调试了这个,错误是由于在 contractId 变量中使用了 undefined 值引起的。