我如何从另一个 class C# mvvm 访问我的 ObservableCollection 以将项目添加到 collection

How can i acces my ObservableCollection from another class C# mvvm to add Items to that collection

这是我第一个 class 从我制作标签的地方我想将我的标签添加到 ObservableCollection

 namespace Notepad__.ViewModel
public class TabViewModel
    public DocumentModel m_doc;

    public  ObservableCollection<TabItem> Tabs { get; set; }
    public TabViewModel()
        Tabs = new ObservableCollection<TabItem>();
        Tabs.Add(new TabItem { Header = "s", Content = "One's content" });
        Tabs.Add(new TabItem { Header = "Two", Content = "Two's content" });
    public  class TabItem
        public string Header { get; set; }
        public string Content { get; set; }

这是我要访问 Collection 以添加新选项卡的 class。创建新文件后,我想将该文件添加到 collection 和我的选项卡控件以更新选项卡项

namespace Notepad__.ViewModel
public class FileModel
    public DocumentModel Document { get; private set; }
    public ICommand NewCommand { get; }
    public ICommand SaveCommand { get; }
    public ICommand OpenCommand { get; }
    public ICommand SaveAsCommand { get; }

public FileModel(DocumentModel document)
        Document = document;
        NewCommand = new RelayCommand(NewFile);
        SaveCommand = new RelayCommand(SaveFile);
        SaveAsCommand = new RelayCommand(SaveFileAs);
        OpenCommand = new RelayCommand(OpenFile);

    public void NewFile()
        Document.FileName = "New File";
        Document.FilePath = string.Empty;
        Document.Text = string.Empty;

How can i acces my ObservableCollection from another class C#


public static  ObservableCollection<TabItem> Tabs { get; set; }



请注意,针对这种情况的 WPF 首选项是在 app 上创建视图模型引用作为 static,,然后由主页和其他页面引用它。比如App.VM.Tabs.Add().