如何创建 IFormFile 图像文件并将其发送到视图中的输入元素?

How to create an IFormFile image file and send it to input element in view?


<input asp-for="Image" id="mainImageInput" type="file" onchange="readURL(this,'mainImage')" accept="image/jpeg, image/png" class="form-control"/>

我将我所有的图像作为 byte[] 存储在数据库中。如何将 byte[] 转换为 IFormFile 并将其发送到输入元素中的视图?不,我不是在问如何显示图像,我想将它直接插入到输入元素中,就像用户使用“浏览”选择它一样。


var ad = _context.Advertisements
            .Select(x => new {
                Id = x.Id,
                Title = x.Title,
                Description = x.Description,
                Price = x.Price,
                Location = x.Location,
                CategoryId = x.CategoryId,
                ImageInBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(x.Image),
                UserId = x.UserId,

IFormFile file = null;
using (var stream = new MemoryStream(ad.ImageInByteArray))
    file = new FormFile(stream, 0, ad.ImageInByteArray.Length, "name", "fileName");

var viewModel = new AdvertisementViewModel()
                Id = ad.Id,
                Title = ad.Title,
                Description = ad.Description,
                Price = ad.Price,
                Location = ad.Location,
                CategoryId = ad.CategoryId,
                ImageInBase64 = ad.ImageInBase64,
                UserId = ad.UserId,
                Image = file
return View("Edit",viewModel);


        public async Task<IActionResult> Edit(AdvertisementViewModel viewModel) 
            // viewmodel.Image is null, so my model state will always be invalid
            // need a workaround

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return View(viewModel);

And no, I am not asking how to display the image, I want to insert it directly into the input element as if the user has selected it using "Browse".

由于浏览器中的安全原因,我认为我们不能将值设置为 <input type='file' />


1. How to set a value to a file input in HTML?

2. Set default value for a input file form [duplicate]