我添加了 [viewbinding] 但我无法从 xml 文件中找到我的 [Button's id

I added [viewbinding] but I can't find my [Button's id from xml file

我只是无法从布局文件夹中获取 ID: 更多解释; 在 .kt 文件中的代码中,radio_group 是我的 ID,在下面的代码中全部为红色:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    // Get radio group selected item using on checked change listener
        RadioGroup.OnCheckedChangeListener { group, checkedId ->
            val radio: RadioButton = findViewById(checkedId)
            Toast.makeText(applicationContext," On checked change :"+
                    " ${radio.text}",
    // Get radio group selected status and text using button click event
        // Get the checked radio button id from radio group
        var id: Int = radio_group.checkedRadioButtonId
        if (id!=-1){ // If any radio button checked from radio group
            // Get the instance of radio button using id
            val radio:RadioButton = findViewById(id)
            Toast.makeText(applicationContext,"On button click :" +
                    " ${radio.text}",
            // If no radio button checked in this radio group
            Toast.makeText(applicationContext,"On button click :" +
                    " nothing selected",
// Get the selected radio button text using radio button on click listener
fun radio_button_click(view: View){
    // Get the clicked radio button instance
    val radio: RadioButton = findViewById(radio_group.checkedRadioButtonId)
    Toast.makeText(applicationContext,"On click : ${radio.text}",

} radio_group 全部为红色错误,再次构建并按 ctrl+enter 后无法找到解决方案 有更好的方法请帮忙...

这不是您使用视图绑定的方式。您编写的代码是您使用 Kotlin 合成器执行此操作的方式,现在已弃用。启用 viewBinding 比简单地启用它需要更多的工作。我建议阅读此处有关如何操作的文档:

Migrate from Kotlin synthetics to Jetpack view binding