如果订阅未激活,为什么订阅屏幕打不开? Xcode Swift iOS

Why subscription screen doesn't open if the Subscription is not active? Xcode Swift iOS

我在应用程序中使用了 showManageSubscriptions 功能显示订阅 sheet 和订阅选项,但是当订阅没有购买或未激活时 sheet 无法打开。

@available(iOS 15.0.0, *)
    func showManageSubscription(_ windowScene: UIWindowScene) async {
        do {
            try await StoreKit.AppStore.showManageSubscriptions(in: windowScene)
        } catch {
            print("Sheet can not be opened")


我想要 Apple 默认订阅 sheet 这样购买订阅。

document, you can only use it for upgrade, downgrade, or cancel. I recommend you to design a custom IAP screen, you can use tools like revenuecat中所述进行管理