
How would I convert the position of a point in a normalized coordinate system, to a regular coordinate system that has a relative position?


我有一个将地图作为容器覆盖的视图(视图 A)。目的是包含我们的内容,同时在用户拖动地图时保持固定在地图上。该视图有一个坐标系,原点位于屏幕的左上角。这将是我们的绝对坐标系,我们试图在其中转换位置。

接下来,我们在视图 A 和屏幕上可见的内容之间形成一个矩形。我在我的 UIView 中使用以下 属性 实现了这一点:

    var visibleRect: CGRect {
        guard let superview = self.superview?.superview else {
            return CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0)
        // Convert the superview's coordinate system to the current view's coordinate system and find the intersecting rectangle. This is so we don't have to render excessive particles.
        let val = self.bounds.intersection(
            self.convert(superview.frame, from: superview)
        return val

这个returns说的是Rectangle,其原点相对于View A的原点。这个Rectangle的目的是Metal View不能太大,所以我将Metal View限制在可见的范围内绘制专门同时保持 Metal View 相对于 View A 的绘制位置的精确坐标。

我已经能够验证视图 A 中矩形的相对原点是否准确,并且我已经验证金属视图适合矩形。

这是我一直在思考的问题:金属顶点函数的中心坐标系从 -11 的整个宽度和高度如下图所示(除了我只在二维中使用它 space 所以忽略 z 位置):


如果我在金属视图的左上象限 (-0.002, 0.5) 中找到一个点,我将如何利用给定的信息找到它在视图 A 中的位置?我如何 return 视图 A 中点的位置到金属视图占相对定位的矩形?




如果 Metal View 使用以下文本代码占据了 View A 的整个范围,我就能够从 View A 转换为 Metal View:

def normalizedToViewA(x, y):
    x *=  1.0
    y *= -1.0
    x +=  1.0
    y +=  1.0
    return ((x / 2.0) * width, (y / 2.0) * height)

def viewAToNormalized(x, y):
    normalizedX = x / (width / 2.0)
    normalizedY = y / (height / 2.0)
    normalizedX -=  1.0
    normalizedY -=  1.0
    normalizedX *=  1.0
    normalizedY *= -1.0
    return (normalizedX, normalizedY)

但现在我需要计算 Metal View 是否填充了 Rectangle,它只是 View A 的一部分。

我找到了答案并使用了 Python 以便于阅读。

视图 A 为 1270*680。

# View A (Top Left Origin)
width = 1270
height = 680

# Visible Rectangle (Top Left Origin)
#   with an origin as a position in View A
subOriginX = 1000
subOriginY = 400
subWidth = 20
subHeight = 20

# Centered origin converted to top left origin
#   where origin is (0,0)
def normalizedToSubview(x, y):
    x *=  1.0
    y *= -1.0
    x +=  1.0
    y +=  1.0
    return ((x / 2.0) * subWidth, (y / 2.0) * subHeight)

# Top Left origin to centered origin
def subviewToNormalized(x, y):
    normalizedX = x / (subWidth / 2.0)
    normalizedY = y / (subHeight / 2.0)
    normalizedX -=  1.0
    normalizedY -=  1.0
    normalizedX *=  1.0
    normalizedY *= -1.0
    return (normalizedX, normalizedY)

# Relative position of a point within subview
#   but on View A's plane
def subviewToViewA(x, y):
    return (x + subOriginX, y + subOriginY)

# Relative position of a point within View A
#   but on the subview's plane
def viewAToSubView(x, y):
    return (x - subOriginX, y - subOriginY)

# Position within Metal View to a position within View A
normalizedCoord = (0.0, 0.0)
toSubview = normalizedToSubview(*normalizedCoord)
viewACoord = subviewToViewA(*toSubview)

print(f"Converted {normalizedCoord} to {toSubview}")
print(f"Converted {toSubview} to {viewACoord}")
# Converted (0.0, 0.0) to (10.0, 10.0)
# Converted (10.0, 10.0) to (1010.0, 410.0)

# Position within View A to Metal View
backToSubview = viewAToSubView(*viewACoord)
backToNormalized = subviewToNormalized(*backToSubview)
# Converted (1010.0, 410.0) to (10.0, 10.0)
# Converted (10.0, 10.0) to (0.0, -0.0)

print(f"Converted {viewACoord} to {backToSubview}")
print(f"Converted {backToSubview} to {backToNormalized}")
