如何从 moment js 中提取国家名称以添加到对象中

How to extract the country name from moment js to add to an object


async date(){
 var today=Moment() **// today gets stored as Wed Mar 16 2022 12:05:07 GMT+0200 (Standard Time)'**
var date= today.format("dddd,D MMM YYYY"); /**/ date gets stored as Wednesday,16 Mar 2022**
var name= **how do i add what the name of the country is thats been returned after the GMT+0200 so it would be Standard Time**

是否有格式选项可以让我将国家/地区名称分配给对象? 所以变量名将存储国家?


const countryName = moment.tz.guess(true);

'guess' 将 return 浏览器区域。


const countryName = moment.tz.zone('America/New_York').countries(); // This will return an array from which we can pass the value to locale()