Prisma js ORM - 如何过滤在相关 table(有效 JOIN)中有条目的结果?

Prisma js ORM - how to filter for results that have entry in a related table (effectively JOIN)?

我有 2 个表:

model Collection {
    id                String                 @id @default(uuid()) @db.Uuid/
    floorPrices       CollectionFloorPrice[]

model CollectionFloorPrice {
    id           String     @id @default(uuid()) @db.Uuid
    collection   Collection @relation(fields: [collectionId], references: [id])
    collectionId String     @db.Uuid

如何查询只有 CollectionFloorPrice 中存在行的集合?在 SQL 中,这将是一个简单的 JOIN。


    return await this.prisma.collection.findMany({
      where: {
        floorPrices: {
          exists: true,

名为 CollectionFloorPrice 的模型的 Prisma 关系过滤器是:

export type CollectionFloorPriceFilter = {
  every?: CollectionFloorPriceWhereInput | null
  some?: CollectionFloorPriceWhereInput | null
  none?: CollectionFloorPriceWhereInput | null

要仅获得至少有一个 CollectionFloorPriceCollection,您应该使用 some(而不是 exists)并指定一个始终 return 对任何存在的相关记录为真。

如果您希望您的查询包含相关的 CollectionFloorPrice,您必须在 include 属性.

 return await this.prisma.collection.findMany({
   where: {
     floorPrices: {
       some: {
         id: { not: "" } // It always should be true.
   // if you want to include related floor prices in returned object:
   include: {
     floorPrices: true,