如何从 python 序列化程序中引发的验证错误响应中删除 'b' 文字

How to remove 'b' literal from Raised validation error response in python serializer

当我在序列化程序中引发验证错误时,输出以 'b' 为前缀(我认为这是字节类型)并且我尝试删除它的所有方法都失败了。

我的序列化器class: class AppInputTypeSerializer(serializers.Serializer): #value = serializers.CharField(required=True, max_length = 100, min_length = 1)

def validate_value(self, data):
    length = len(data['value'])
    if length < 1 or length > 100:
        message = "We are sorry, your reply should be between 1 and 100 characters. Please try again."
        data['error'] = message
        raise serializers.ValidationError(message)
    return data

我的看法: class PresentationLayerView(generics.GenericAPIView): permission_classes = (permissions.AllowAny,)

def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):

    body = request.data
    cardType = body['cardType']
    if cardType == "TERMS_CONDITIONS":
        serializer = AppTandCTypeSerializer(body)
    elif cardType == "CHOICE":
        serializer = AppChoiceTypeSerializer(body)
    elif cardType == "TEXT" or cardType == "INPUT": 
        serializer = AppTextTypeSerializer(body)
    return Response({}, status=status.HTTP_200_OK,)


class StartAssessmentViewTests(APITestCase): # Return 如果用户为输入卡类型输入 > 100 个字符,则验证错误

def test_input_type(self):
    #response = self.client.get(
    #    reverse("app-start-assessment")
    response = self.client.post(reverse("app-start-assessment"),
        json.dumps({"message":"Please type in the symptom that is troubling you, only one symptom at a time. Reply back to go to the previous question or abort to end the assessment",
            "value": "This is some rubbish text to see what happens when a user submits an input with a length that is greater than 100",
                    "message":"Please type in the symptom that is troubling you, only one symptom at a time. Reply back to go to the previous question or abort to end the assessment",
                    "value":"This is some rubbish text to see what happens when a user submits an input with a length that is greater than 100",
                    "error":"We are sorry, your reply should be between 1 and 100 characters. Please try again."
                }, response.json,


b'{"message":"Please type in the symptom that is troubling you, only one symptom at a time. Reply back to go to the previous question or abort to end the assessment","step":"4","value":"This is some rubbish text to see what happens when a user submits an input with a length that is greater than 100","optionId":"8","path":"/assessments/assessment-id/dialog/next","cardType":"INPUT","error":"We are sorry, your reply should be between 1 and 100 characters. Please try again."}'


{"message":"Please type in the symptom that is troubling you, only one symptom at a time. Reply back to go to the previous question or abort to end the assessment","step":"4","value":"This is some rubbish text to see what happens when a user submits an input with a length that is greater than 100","optionId":"8","path":"/assessments/assessment-id/dialog/next","cardType":"INPUT","error":"We are sorry, your reply should be between 1 and 100 characters. Please try again."}


Output is an assert failure because of the prefix below.


response.content 是二进制字符串,而不是字典,因为它最终会导致二进制流作为 HTTP 响应发送。

最好JSON对对象进行解码,然后检查是否与字典等价。您可以使用 response.json():

        "message":"Please type in the symptom that is troubling you, only one symptom at a time. Reply back to go to the previous question or abort to end the assessment",
        "value":"This is some rubbish text to see what happens when a user submits an input with a length that is greater than 100",
        "error":"We are sorry, your reply should be between 1 and 100 characters. Please try again."