Flutter TimePicker 转为 RFC 3339 格式

Flutter TimePicker to RFC 3339 format

我正在使用 Flutter TimePicker 来允许用户 select 一次。

这使用 TimeOfDay Class.

我需要 RFC 3339 格式的 selection (2022-06-24T01:23:45)

有没有办法转换它,或者我需要另一个包来代替 select?



The argument type 'TimeOfDay' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'DateTime'.
  Future<void> _selectTime(BuildContext context) async {
  final TimeOfDay? timeOfDay = await showTimePicker(
    context: context,
    builder: (BuildContext context, Widget ?child) {
      return Theme(
        data: ThemeData(
          primarySwatch: Colors.grey,
          splashColor: Colors.white,
          textTheme: TextTheme(
            subtitle1: TextStyle(color: Colors.black),
            button: TextStyle(color: Colors.black),
          colorScheme: ColorScheme.light(
              primary: Color(0xff2F2F2F),
        child: child ??Text(""),
    initialTime: selectedTime,
    initialEntryMode: TimePickerEntryMode.dial,
      if(timeOfDay != null && timeOfDay != selectedTime)
          setState(() {
            selectedTime = timeOfDay;
            this._myDepTime = selectedTime.format(context);

是否可以转换为 RFC 3339 格式,或者我应该将 TimePicker 包切换为 DateTime 样式替代方案?



            final now = new DateTime.now();
            final selectedTime = new DateTime(now.year, now.month, now.day, timeOfDay.hour, timeOfDay.minute

这使用 DateTimes now 参数来填充日期部分