
find efficient algorithm that calculate private key for RSA algorithm



Assume we try to implement the RSA algorithm with public key (p, e) for a prime p (and e such that gcd(e, p − 1) = 1). Show that this scheme is insecure. That is, show an efficient algorithm that given p, e and m^e(mod p), computes m (mod p).


我从问题中了解到,我们使用 public 键 (N, e)。

RSA 协议使用

two primes p and q and, N = pq

For any e relatively prime to (p − 1)(q − 1)




function privatekey(N,e)
Input: Prime integer N , integer e relative prime to N 
Output: Private key integer d
d = ext_gcd(N,e)
return d

ext_gcd(X,Y) //ax + by = GCD(a,b) = 1
Input: integer a , integer b
Output: return integer y
gcd_steps <= new stack
integer q <= a / b
integer r <= a-b*q
do while (r != 1)
    q = a / b 
    r = a-b*q
    a = b
    b = r
integer a',b',q',r'
a,b,q,r = gcd_steps.pop()
while (!gcd_steps.isempty())       
    b' = a
    r' = gcd_steps.top_q()*r + q
    a' = gcd_steps.top_a()
    q' = gcd_steps.top_b()*r
    a,b,q,r = a',b',q',r'

return r

我不确定算法是否正确,我想找到 d,然后我可以使用 d 作为私钥读取加密消息 m^e(mod p)

费马小定理说 m^(p-1) = 1 (mod p), 所以你需要找到 d 使得 ed = 1 (mod p-1),然后 (m^e)^d = m^(ed) = m (mod p).

因此,找到d,e mod p-1 的乘法逆元,如果e 和p-1 是互质的,这是可能的。然后你可以“解密”消息 m^e (mod p),方法是将其提高到 d (mod p) 的幂以取回明文 m (mod p)。

假设您的扩展欧几里德算法代码是正确的,您的代码会找到 e mod p 的乘法逆元,而不是 e mod p-1,这就是它给出错误结果的原因.