如何测试服务上的一系列函数调用是否会从同一服务上的 Observable 产生预期的一系列发射值

How to test that a series of function calls on a service produce the expected series of emitted values from an Observable on that same service


export class MathService {
  private _total = new BehaviorSubject(0);
  total$ = this._total.asObservable();

  add(num: number) {
    this._total.next(this._total.value() + num);

  subtract(num: number) {
    this._total.next(this._total.value() - num);

您将如何测试 total$addsubtract 函数调用序列中发出正确的值,如下所示:

  service.add(10) // should emit 10;
  service.subtract(3) // should emit 7;
  service.add(20) // should emit 27;
  service.subtract(5) // should emit 22;



it('should test the Observable', () => {
    // create the instance of the service to use in the test
    const mathService = new MathService();
    // define the constant where we hold the notifications
    const result: number[] = [];
    const expected = [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0];  // expected notifications

    // this is a sequence of adds
    const add$ = timer(0, 100).pipe(
        tap((i) => {
            console.log('add', i);

    // this is a sequence of subtracts, which starts 50 ms after the adds
    const subtract$ = timer(50, 100).pipe(
        tap((i) => {
            console.log('sub', i);

    // here we subscribe to total$ and we store any notification in the result array
        next: (s) => {

    // here we merge adds and subtracts and, at completion, we check which are the notifications
    // we have saved in the result array
    merge(add$, subtract$).subscribe({
        complete: () => {
            console.log('===>>>', result, expected);


let testScheduler: TestScheduler;

beforeEach(() => {
    testScheduler = new TestScheduler(observableMatcher);

it.only('should test the Observable', () => {
    testScheduler.run(({ hot, expectObservable }) => {
        const mathService = new MathService();

        const add = hot('        --0-----1---2---------');
        const subtract = hot('   ----0-----1---2-------');
        const expected = '       --0-0---1-0-2-0-------';

        const _add = add.pipe(tap((i) => mathService.add(parseInt(i))));
        const _subtract = subtract.pipe(tap((i) => mathService.subtract(parseInt(i))));
        const result = merge(_add, _subtract).pipe(
            concatMap((val) => {
                console.log('val', val);
                return mathService.total$.pipe(map((v) => v.toString()));


此实现遵循 rxJs 库中使用的一些测试示例。

observableMatchercan be seen here的实现。