使用 ASEV3 的逻辑应用程序标准 - 托管连接器的价格是多少?
Logic App Standard with ASEV3 - what is the price for managed connectors?
根据文档,当我们拥有 ASEV3 时,我们只需为 App Service Plan 付费,它包括所有内容,特别是因为托管连接器在 App Service Environment 本身内部执行。
这在 post 中有解释:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/logic-apps/logic-apps-pricing#standard-single-tenant
"When you create or deploy logic apps with the Logic App (Standard)
resource type, you can use the Workflow Standard hosting plan in all
Azure regions. You also have the option to select an existing App
Service Environment v3 resource as your deployment location, but you
can only use the App Service plan with this option. If you choose this
option, you're charged for the instances used by the App Service plan
and for running your logic app workflows. No other charges apply."
但是,当我查看我的一个逻辑应用程序(部署在 ASEv3 中)的成本分析时,我可以看到应用程序服务计划(在我的用例中为 WS1)的成本,还有我在其中使用的“Log Analytics 连接器”(资源类型为“MICROSOFT.WEB/CONNECTIONS”)。
也许这是对即使在 ASEv3 内部执行也要收费的托管连接器的误解?
你好@David GROSPELIER - 使用 ASEv3 托管选项,虽然来自 built-in 连接器的操作是 免费 无限制调用,但来自托管连接器的操作是计量和计费。
Doc states 摘要中的以下内容 table:
If your workflow uses any managed connector operations, metering for those operations applies to each call, while billing follows the same Standard or Enterprise connector pricing as the Consumption plan.
根据文档,当我们拥有 ASEV3 时,我们只需为 App Service Plan 付费,它包括所有内容,特别是因为托管连接器在 App Service Environment 本身内部执行。 这在 post 中有解释:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/logic-apps/logic-apps-pricing#standard-single-tenant 在这个特定的短语中:
"When you create or deploy logic apps with the Logic App (Standard) resource type, you can use the Workflow Standard hosting plan in all Azure regions. You also have the option to select an existing App Service Environment v3 resource as your deployment location, but you can only use the App Service plan with this option. If you choose this option, you're charged for the instances used by the App Service plan and for running your logic app workflows. No other charges apply."
但是,当我查看我的一个逻辑应用程序(部署在 ASEv3 中)的成本分析时,我可以看到应用程序服务计划(在我的用例中为 WS1)的成本,还有我在其中使用的“Log Analytics 连接器”(资源类型为“MICROSOFT.WEB/CONNECTIONS”)。
也许这是对即使在 ASEv3 内部执行也要收费的托管连接器的误解?
你好@David GROSPELIER - 使用 ASEv3 托管选项,虽然来自 built-in 连接器的操作是 免费 无限制调用,但来自托管连接器的操作是计量和计费。
Doc states 摘要中的以下内容 table:
If your workflow uses any managed connector operations, metering for those operations applies to each call, while billing follows the same Standard or Enterprise connector pricing as the Consumption plan.