The problem of determining whether this is a piece of land in land map array
因此,我有一个变量,其中包含 x、y 位置形式的各种字符串条目。
["3,3","3,4","3,5","2,3","2,4","2,5","-1,-2","-2,- 2","-2,-1"]
如果两个图块在 x 或 y(但不是两者)上相差 1,则它们是相邻的。
如果你只需要判断它们是否都连通,那么你真的need to determine that every pair of vertices have a path from one to the other。
此方法的复杂度为 O(n^2),但也许其他人在计算上有更好的解决方案。
let source = [...coordinateArray]; // from prop or API or wherever
let landMass = [];
let deferred = [];
while(source.length) {
// add the tile if it has a neighbor on the land mass
// defer the tile if it does not have a neighbor on the land mass
source.forEach(pair1 => {
const [x1, y1] = pair1.split(",");
const hasNeighbor = !landMass.length || landMass.some(pair2 => {
const [x2, y2] = pair2.split(",");
// return "true" if off by 1 in x or y position and 0 in the other
return (Math.abs(x1 - x2) === 1 && y1 === y2) || (Math.abs(y1 - y2) === 1 && x1 === x2);
// push tile to landMass or to defer queue
if(hasNeighbor) {
} else {
// if source is now the same as deferred,
// then nothing was added to the land mass
// therefore it is disconnected and we can break out
if(source.length === deferred.length) {
// otherwise, we have exhausted the source,
// so we move the "deferred" to the "source"
// and empty the "deferred" to repeat
source = [...deferred];
deferred = [];
// if the deferred queue had length 0,
// then we will break out of the while loop
// if the source has length > 0, then some tiles could not be mapped
// in that case, it is disconnected
// if the source has no length, then everything was mapped to the land mass
// in that case, it is connected
const allTilesAreConnected = !source.length;
这是打字稿中的一个问题。 因此,我有一个变量,其中包含 x、y 位置形式的各种字符串条目。 ["3,3","3,4","3,5","2,3","2,4","2,5","-1,-2","-2,- 2","-2,-1"] 我想知道这块地是一块还是几块
如果两个图块在 x 或 y(但不是两者)上相差 1,则它们是相邻的。
如果你只需要判断它们是否都连通,那么你真的need to determine that every pair of vertices have a path from one to the other。
此方法的复杂度为 O(n^2),但也许其他人在计算上有更好的解决方案。
let source = [...coordinateArray]; // from prop or API or wherever
let landMass = [];
let deferred = [];
while(source.length) {
// add the tile if it has a neighbor on the land mass
// defer the tile if it does not have a neighbor on the land mass
source.forEach(pair1 => {
const [x1, y1] = pair1.split(",");
const hasNeighbor = !landMass.length || landMass.some(pair2 => {
const [x2, y2] = pair2.split(",");
// return "true" if off by 1 in x or y position and 0 in the other
return (Math.abs(x1 - x2) === 1 && y1 === y2) || (Math.abs(y1 - y2) === 1 && x1 === x2);
// push tile to landMass or to defer queue
if(hasNeighbor) {
} else {
// if source is now the same as deferred,
// then nothing was added to the land mass
// therefore it is disconnected and we can break out
if(source.length === deferred.length) {
// otherwise, we have exhausted the source,
// so we move the "deferred" to the "source"
// and empty the "deferred" to repeat
source = [...deferred];
deferred = [];
// if the deferred queue had length 0,
// then we will break out of the while loop
// if the source has length > 0, then some tiles could not be mapped
// in that case, it is disconnected
// if the source has no length, then everything was mapped to the land mass
// in that case, it is connected
const allTilesAreConnected = !source.length;