
How to look back to the previous moment


readButton :: IO Boolean
readButton = ...

main = do
    (add, fire) <- newAddHandler
    network <- compile (desc add)
    actuate network
    forever $ do
        buttonState <- readButton
        fire buttonState

desc addButtonEvent = do
    eButtonState <- fromAddHandler addButtonEvent



f :: [Bool] -> Bool
f (True:False:_) = True
f _              = False




import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative -- Needed if you aren't on GHC 7.10.

desc addDriver = do
    -- Refreshes the button state. Presumably fired by external IO.
    eButtonDriver <- fromAddHandler addDriver
    let -- Canonical repersentation of the button state.
        bButtonState = stepper False eButtonDriver
        -- Observes the button just before changing its state.
        ePreviousState = bButtonState <@ eButtonDriver
        -- Performs the test your f function would do.
        newlyPressed :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
        newlyPressed previous current = not previous && current
        -- Applies the test. This works because eButtonDriver and
        -- ePreviousState are fired simultaneously.
        eNewlyPressed = unionWith newlyPressed
            ePreviousState eButtonDriver
        -- The same but more compactly, without needing ePreviousState.
        eNewlyPressed = newlyPressed <$> bButtonState <@> eButtonDriver
    reactimate (print <$> eNewlyPressed)

main = do
    (addDriver, fireDriver) <- newAddHandler
    network <- compile (desc addDriver)
    actuate network
    -- Demo: enter y to turn the button on, and any other string to
    -- turn it off.
    forever $ do
        buttonState <- (== "y") <$> getLine
        fireDriver buttonState


  • 事件是短暂的,行为是永久的 是一个很好的通用规则,可以决定您是否需要行为或事件流。在这种情况下,您需要查看按钮在更新之前的状态,以确定它是否是新更新的。那么,自然要做的事情就是用行为 (bButtonState) 表示按钮状态,该行为由外部触发的事件 (eButtonDriver) 更新。
  • 有关组合器正在做什么的详细信息,请参阅 Reactive.Banana.Combinators
  • 有关 reactive-banana 中事件时间和行为更新的细则,请参阅 this question
  • 根据您要执行的操作,changes 函数可能会有用。请注意文档中提到的与之相关的注意事项。