在 Google App Engine 中选择不同的实例 类 是否会导致网络延迟差异?

Is there difference in network latency by choosing different instance classes in Google App Engine?

我相信 Google 没有在任何地方提到它。可能是一些个人的实践观察?


App Engine is regional, which means the infrastructure that runs your apps is located in a specific region, and Google manages it so that it is available redundantly across all of the zones within that region.

Meeting your latency, availability, or durability requirements are primary factors for selecting the region where your apps are run. You can generally select the region nearest to your app's users, but you should consider the locations where App Engine is available as well as the locations of the other Google Cloud products and services that your app uses. Using services across multiple locations can affect your app's latency as well as its pricing.

此外,在实践中观察到的实际延迟将取决于您的应用程序、您的资源部署位置以及您使用的 GCP 服务。

Trace 等工具可以帮助您分析 App Engine 应用程序的延迟。