使用 Python 将纯文本 API 响应解析为 JSON

Parse plain text API response into JSON using Python

我用于项目的 API 端点 return 是以下形式的纯文本响应:

code = 200
description = Command completed successfully
queuetime = 0
runtime = 0.071
property[abuse policy][0] = The policies are published at the REGISTRY_OPERATOR website at:
property[abuse policy][1] = =>https://registry.in/Policies 
property[abuse policy][2] = 
property[abuse policy][3] = IN Policy Framework: https://registry.in/system/files/inpolicy_0.pdf
property[abuse policy][4] = IN Domain Anti-Abuse policy: https://registry.in/Policies/IN_Anti_Abuse_Policy
property[abuse policy url][0] = https://registry.in/Policies/IN_Anti_Abuse_Policy
property[active][0] = 0

我正在尝试使用 Python 将其解析为字典。目前,我有以下代码:

import re
def text_to_dict(text):
    js = {}
    for s in text.splitlines():
        x = s.split("=", maxsplit=1)
        if len(x) > 1:
            keys = [k for i in re.split("\]|\[", x[0]) if (k := i.strip())]
            for i, k in enumerate(keys):
                pd = js
                for j,pk in enumerate(keys[:i]):
                    if keys[j+1:j+2] and not (keys[j+1:j+2][0]).isnumeric():
                        pd = pd[pk]
                if k not in pd:
                    if k.isnumeric():
                        pd[k] = (x[1]).strip() if i == len(keys)-1 else [] if keys[i+1:i+2] and (keys[i+1:i+2][0]).isnumeric() else {}
    return js


    "code": "200",
    "description": "Command completed successfully",
    "runtime": "0.081",
    "queuetime": "0",
    "property": {
        "abuse policy": [
            "The policies are published at the REGISTRY_OPERATOR website at:",
            "IN Policy Framework: https://registry.in/system/files/inpolicy_0.pdf",
            "IN Domain Anti-Abuse policy: https://registry.in/Policies/IN_Anti_Abuse_Policy"
        "abuse policy url": [
        "active": [


property[active][1][test] = TEST

property[active][1][0] = TEST


    "active": [
            {"test": "TEST"}

    "active": [


我觉得有一种更简单的方法可以在不编写一堆嵌套 if 的情况下考虑所有可能性,但我不确定是什么。

您输入的数据实际上是 INI 文件格式。 Python 为了方便起见有 configparser 模块。

当我们假设键 'property[foo][0][test]' 的每个部分实际上都是一个字典键(没有嵌套列表)时,我们会将其解析为以下结构:

{'property': {'foo': {'0': {'test': 'value'}}}}


from configparser import ConfigParser

def parse(text):
    config = ConfigParser()

    root = {}
    for key in config['RESPONSE'].keys():
        curr = root
        for key_part in key.replace(']', '').split('['):
            if key_part not in curr:
                curr[key_part] = {}
            prev = curr
            curr = curr[key_part]
        prev[key_part] = config['RESPONSE'][key]
    return root


from pprint import pprint

text = """
code = 200
description = Command completed successfully
queuetime = 0
runtime = 0.071
property[abuse policy][0] = The policies are published at the REGISTRY_OPERATOR website at:
property[abuse policy][1] = =>https://registry.in/Policies 
property[abuse policy][2] = 
property[abuse policy][3] = IN Policy Framework: https://registry.in/system/files/inpolicy_0.pdf
property[abuse policy][4] = IN Domain Anti-Abuse policy: https://registry.in/Policies/IN_Anti_Abuse_Policy
property[abuse policy url][0] = https://registry.in/Policies/IN_Anti_Abuse_Policy
property[active][0] = 0
property[foo][0][test] = a
property[foo][1][test] = b
property[bar][0][0] = A
property[bar][1][1] = B



{'code': '200',
 'description': 'Command completed successfully',
 'property': {'abuse policy': {'0': 'The policies are published at the '
                                    'REGISTRY_OPERATOR website at:',
                               '1': '=>https://registry.in/Policies',
                               '2': '',
                               '3': 'IN Policy Framework: '
                               '4': 'IN Domain Anti-Abuse policy: '
              'abuse policy url': {'0': 'https://registry.in/Policies/IN_Anti_Abuse_Policy'},
              'active': {'0': '0'},
              'bar': {'0': {'0': 'A'}, '1': {'1': 'B'}},
              'foo': {'0': {'test': 'a'}, '1': {'test': 'b'}}},
 'queuetime': '0',
 'runtime': '0.071'}

您可以检查 key_part 是否为数字,并将其转换为 int,以便生成的结构表现得更像是包含列表,即

{'property': {'foo': {0: {'test': 'value'}}}}