
apple script to rotate display

你好,我正在尝试编写一个苹果脚本来在 macOS 12.3 中旋转显示

我已查看以下内容,但 apple 更改了显示菜单



我尝试过使用 Accessibility Inspector,但我对它的了解还不够

display menu

Accessibility Inspector

    if running of application "System Preferences" then
    quit application "System Preferences"
    delay 1
end if

tell application "System Preferences"
    reveal anchor "displaysDisplayTab" of pane id "com.apple.preference.displays"
    delay 1
    tell application "System Events"
        tell process "System Preferences"
            tell window 1
                click button "Display Settings…"
                tell cell of outline row of outline 1 of scroll area 1 of sheet 1 of window 1
                     set selected to false
                end tell
                --tell pop up button "Rotation:" of tab group 1 of (first window whose name is "LG HDR 4K") of application process "System Preferences"
                --  if (value) contains "Standard" then
                --          click
                --          click menu item "90°" of menu 1
                --          my clickConfirmButton()
                --      else
                --          click
                --          click menu item "Standard" of menu 1
                --      end if
                --  end tell
            end tell
        end tell
    end tell
end tell

感谢 oluckyman 对 this gist

            tell sheet 1
                select row 2 of outline 1 of scroll area 1 -- the row with external monitor
                tell pop up button "Rotation:"
                    set theRotation to value of it
                    tell menu "Rotation:"
                        if theRotation = "Standard" then
                            click menu item "90°" -- your preferred rotation 
                            click menu item "Standard"
                        end if
                    end tell
                end tell
                delay 1
                if exists of button "Confirm" of sheet 1 then
                    click button "Confirm" of sheet 1
                end if
                click button "Done"
            end tell
