Spring 引导发送电子邮件但 Angular 不发送。如何正确连接方法?

Spring boot sends email but Angular does not. How to connect methods correctly?

Spring boot 和 Angular crud 方法都可以,但仍然不清楚如何在 spring boot 和 angular 之间绑定其他方法。


REST 控制器

public ResponseEntity<String> sendEmail(@PathVariable long id) throws CustomerNotFoundException{
    Customer customer = customerService.findCustomer(id);
            "Hi dear customer! Your order is " +
                   "ready to pick up","Your order is waiting for you"

    return new ResponseEntity<>("mail sent successfully", HttpStatus.OK);

Angular。使用 http.

的服务 class
 sendEmail(id:any):void {
    const url = 'http://localhost:8080/customers/sendEmail';
    this.http.post(url,{responseType: 'text'}).subscribe(
      err=> {
        alert('An error has occurred while sending email')


假设已配置 CORS,您的端点还需要 id

{id} 添加到您的端点。

public ResponseEntity<String> sendEmail(@PathVariable long id) throws CustomerNotFoundException{
    Customer customer = customerService.findCustomer(id);
            "Hi dear customer! Your order is " +
                   "ready to pick up","Your order is waiting for you"

    return new ResponseEntity<>("mail sent successfully", HttpStatus.OK);

/ 和参数 id 添加到 url 的末尾。

id = 123;

 sendEmail(id:any):void {
    const url = 'http://localhost:8080/customers/sendEmail/' + id;
    this.http.post(url,{responseType: 'text'}).subscribe(
      err=> {
        alert('An error has occurred while sending email')