MS Edge 是否有像 Chrome 那样的类型?

Is there types for MS Edge as there is for Chrome?

Google Chrome 有 @types/chrome 用于扩展开发。 MS Edge 有同样的东西吗?我发现 chrome 和 edge 浏览器之间有些不匹配,希望类型可以帮助很多。

你不需要它。 Edge 基于 Chromium,同样的 Chromium 扩展可以提交到 Edge 扩展商店。

If you've already developed an extension for another Chromium-based browser, you can submit it to the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website. You don't need to rewrite your extension, and must verify it works in Microsoft Edge. When you migrate an existing Chromium extension to other Chromium browsers, make sure the same APIs or alternatives are available for your target browser.

为了兼容性,请确保您使用的 API 受 Edge (Supported APIs for Microsoft Edge extensions)
