将 C# 方法转换为泛型方法
Converting c# methods to a generic method
如何将这两个 ConvertDtoListToAddresses
和 ConvertDtoListToDocuments
C# 方法转换为 generic
?我试过传递两个通用类型变量,但是当我在循环中进入 'Add' 时,我遇到了各种错误。从 DTO 到其各自 DBO 的转换是在 DBO 的构造函数中完成的,我认为这是问题的一部分。
private void ConvertDtoToPerson(PersonDTO dto)
Id = dto.Id;
Fname = dto.FirstName;
Mname = dto.MiddleName;
Lname = dto.LastName;
Suffix = dto.Suffix;
Maiden = dto.MaidenName;
Addresses = ConvertDtoListToAddresses(dto.AddressesDto); // want to convert to generic
Documents = ConvertDtoListToDocuments(dto.DocumentsDto); // want to convert to generic
private static ICollection<Address>? ConvertDtoListToAddresses(ICollection<AddressDTO>? addressesDto)
if (addressesDto is not null && addressesDto.Any())
ICollection<Address> addys = new List<Address>();
foreach (AddressDTO dto in addressesDto)
// Converts from dto in constructor
addys.Add(new Address(dto));
return addys;
return null;
private static ICollection<Document>? ConvertDtoListToDocuments(ICollection<DocumentDTO>? documentsDto)
if (documentsDto is not null && documentsDto.Any())
ICollection<Document> docs = new List<Document>();
foreach (DocumentDTO dto in documentsDto)
// Converts from dto in constructor
docs.Add(new Document(dto));
return docs;
return null;
Addresses = ConvertDtoListToType<Address, AddressDTO>(dto.AddressesDto);
private static ICollection<T>? ConvertDtoListToType<T, D>(ICollection<D>? dtoCollection)
if (dtoCollection is not null && dtoCollection.Any())
ICollection<T> tList = new List<T>();
foreach (D dto in dtoCollection)
tList.Add(new T(dto)); // <-- This is where I'm having trouble
return tList;
return null;
使用 Func<D, T> factory
private static ICollection<T>? ConvertDtoListToType<T, D>(ICollection<D>? dtoCollection, Func<D, T> factory)
if (dtoCollection is not null && dtoCollection.Any())
ICollection<T> tList = new List<T>();
foreach (D dto in dtoCollection)
return tList;
return null;
请记住,这 几乎 语义等同于此:
private static ICollection<T>? ConvertDtoListToType<T, D>(ICollection<D>? dtoCollection, Func<D, T> factory)
=> dtoCollection?.Select(d => factory(d))?.ToList();
我质疑一个空 dtoCollection
应该 return 一个 null
因此,话虽如此,您的原始方法提供的功能优势非常小。这是为了代码而编写的代码。一个简单的 Select
在任何情况下,您都可以提供 Address
和 Document
的静态方法来提供您需要的 Func<D, T>
public class Address
AddressDTO dto;
public static Address CreateFromDto(AddressDTO dto)
=> new Address(dto);
public Address(AddressDTO dto)
this.dto = dto;
var addresses = ConvertDtoListToType(addressDtos, Address.CreateFromDto);
var addresses = addressDtos?.Select(Address.CreateFromDto)?.ToList();
您需要的是能够对类型 T
提供约束,以表明它具有采用类型 D
private static ICollection<T>? ConvertDtoListToType<T, D>(
ICollection<D>? dtoCollection) where T : new(D)
但这在C#中是不存在的。解决方法是提供一个工厂方法来创建给定类型 D
的类型 T
private static ICollection<T>? ConvertDtoListToType<T, D>(
ICollection<D>? dtoCollection, Func<D, T> factory)
// Use factory(dto), instead of new T(dto)
但是正如@Zee 所说,您应该看看 Automapper,它可以在集合类型之间进行转换。
如何将这两个 ConvertDtoListToAddresses
和 ConvertDtoListToDocuments
C# 方法转换为 generic
?我试过传递两个通用类型变量,但是当我在循环中进入 'Add' 时,我遇到了各种错误。从 DTO 到其各自 DBO 的转换是在 DBO 的构造函数中完成的,我认为这是问题的一部分。
private void ConvertDtoToPerson(PersonDTO dto)
Id = dto.Id;
Fname = dto.FirstName;
Mname = dto.MiddleName;
Lname = dto.LastName;
Suffix = dto.Suffix;
Maiden = dto.MaidenName;
Addresses = ConvertDtoListToAddresses(dto.AddressesDto); // want to convert to generic
Documents = ConvertDtoListToDocuments(dto.DocumentsDto); // want to convert to generic
private static ICollection<Address>? ConvertDtoListToAddresses(ICollection<AddressDTO>? addressesDto)
if (addressesDto is not null && addressesDto.Any())
ICollection<Address> addys = new List<Address>();
foreach (AddressDTO dto in addressesDto)
// Converts from dto in constructor
addys.Add(new Address(dto));
return addys;
return null;
private static ICollection<Document>? ConvertDtoListToDocuments(ICollection<DocumentDTO>? documentsDto)
if (documentsDto is not null && documentsDto.Any())
ICollection<Document> docs = new List<Document>();
foreach (DocumentDTO dto in documentsDto)
// Converts from dto in constructor
docs.Add(new Document(dto));
return docs;
return null;
Addresses = ConvertDtoListToType<Address, AddressDTO>(dto.AddressesDto);
private static ICollection<T>? ConvertDtoListToType<T, D>(ICollection<D>? dtoCollection)
if (dtoCollection is not null && dtoCollection.Any())
ICollection<T> tList = new List<T>();
foreach (D dto in dtoCollection)
tList.Add(new T(dto)); // <-- This is where I'm having trouble
return tList;
return null;
使用 Func<D, T> factory
private static ICollection<T>? ConvertDtoListToType<T, D>(ICollection<D>? dtoCollection, Func<D, T> factory)
if (dtoCollection is not null && dtoCollection.Any())
ICollection<T> tList = new List<T>();
foreach (D dto in dtoCollection)
return tList;
return null;
请记住,这 几乎 语义等同于此:
private static ICollection<T>? ConvertDtoListToType<T, D>(ICollection<D>? dtoCollection, Func<D, T> factory)
=> dtoCollection?.Select(d => factory(d))?.ToList();
我质疑一个空 dtoCollection
应该 return 一个 null
因此,话虽如此,您的原始方法提供的功能优势非常小。这是为了代码而编写的代码。一个简单的 Select
在任何情况下,您都可以提供 Address
和 Document
的静态方法来提供您需要的 Func<D, T>
public class Address
AddressDTO dto;
public static Address CreateFromDto(AddressDTO dto)
=> new Address(dto);
public Address(AddressDTO dto)
this.dto = dto;
var addresses = ConvertDtoListToType(addressDtos, Address.CreateFromDto);
var addresses = addressDtos?.Select(Address.CreateFromDto)?.ToList();
您需要的是能够对类型 T
提供约束,以表明它具有采用类型 D
private static ICollection<T>? ConvertDtoListToType<T, D>(
ICollection<D>? dtoCollection) where T : new(D)
但这在C#中是不存在的。解决方法是提供一个工厂方法来创建给定类型 D
的类型 T
private static ICollection<T>? ConvertDtoListToType<T, D>(
ICollection<D>? dtoCollection, Func<D, T> factory)
// Use factory(dto), instead of new T(dto)
但是正如@Zee 所说,您应该看看 Automapper,它可以在集合类型之间进行转换。