AssertJ Core,在检查 iterables/arrays 内容时是否可能得到与实际 field/property 差异的错误消息?

AssertJ Core, is it possible to get error message with actual field/property difference when checking iterables/arrays content?

在 Assertj Core 中,您可以逐个字段递归地比较项目。


public void shouldBeEqual() {
    Person person1 = createPerson();
    Person person2 = createPerson2();


Expecting actual:
to be equal to: 
when recursively comparing field by field, but found the following difference:

field/property 'address.countryCode' differ:
- actual value  : "US"
- expected value: "CA"

The recursive comparison was performed with this configuration:
- no overridden equals methods were used in the comparison (except for java types)
- these types were compared with the following comparators:
  - java.lang.Double -> DoubleComparator[precision=1.0E-15]
  - java.lang.Float -> FloatComparator[precision=1.0E-6]
  - java.nio.file.Path -> lexicographic comparator (Path natural order)
- actual and expected objects and their fields were compared field by field recursively even if they were not of the same type, this allows for example to compare a Person to a PersonDto (call strictTypeChecking(true) to change that behavior).


public void shouldBeEqual2() {
    List<Person> personList = List.of(createPerson(), createPerson2());

            .containsExactlyInAnyOrder(createPerson(), createPerson());


Expecting actual:
  [Person@4fe767f3, Person@18ce0030]
to contain exactly in any order:
  [Person@2805c96b, Person@4445629]
elements not found:
and elements not expected:
when comparing values using recursive field/property by field/property comparator on all fields/properties using the following configuration:
- no overridden equals methods were used in the comparison (except for java types)
- these types were compared with the following comparators:
  - java.lang.Double -> DoubleComparator[precision=1.0E-15]
  - java.lang.Float -> FloatComparator[precision=1.0E-6]
  - java.nio.file.Path -> lexicographic comparator (Path natural order)
- actual and expected objects and their fields were compared field by field recursively even if they were not of the same type, this allows for example to compare a Person to a PersonDto (call strictTypeChecking(true) to change that behavior).


目前不可能,因为为 containsExactlyInAnyOrder 构建的错误消息不知道断言失败的根本原因,在我们的例子中它不知道比较差异,它只知道断言失败并生成一般错误消息。
