在 ssis 的 foreach 文件枚举器中使用 'Name and Extension'、'Full Qualified' 和 'Name Only' 选项

use case to 'Name and Extension', 'Full Qualified' and 'Name Only' options in foreach file enumerator in ssis


  1. 名称和扩展名
  2. 完全合格
  3. 仅姓名

在 SSIS 中从源导入平面文件类型文件时。

谁能帮我理解每个 'retrieve file name' 类型的用例场景?


假设您正在遍历存储在目录 C:\My_Files\ 中的文本文件。以下 table 显示文件枚举器如何使用每个选项检索文件名:

Option Example Use case example
Fully Qualified C:\My_files\example.txt Importing data from multiple files into an SQL databases
Name Only example Executing a conditional task based on the file name. For example, adding a task that checks the file name, then using precedence constraints to execute a Process Task based on the file name
Name and Extension example.txt - Executing a conditional process task based on the file name and extension - Copying/Moving files from one directory to another one and keeping the file name
