如何在初始化器中获取 Router 实例

How to get the Router instance in initializer

我有一个用例,我想在初始化程序中动态注册路由。 因为该应用程序是一个自定义应用程序,所以我在开发时不知道路由。


import Ember from 'ember';
const myTempRouteList = ['home']; // this is retrieved from the backend

export function initialize(instance) {
  let container = instance.container;
  let router = container.lookup('router:main');

  myTempRouteList.forEach(function (name) {
    let routeName = name.dasherize();

    router.map(function(){ // router.map is undefined here
      this.resource(routeName, {path: routeName});
    container.register(`route:${routeName}`, Ember.Route.extend({

  }, this);

export default {
  name: 'register-routes',
  initialize: initialize

问题是路由器实例存在但没有方法 map。在 documentation 中,它被描述为 public 方法。我检查过的一些其他方法存在,f.i。 hasRoute.

原来我不得不调用容器上的 lookupFactory 方法而不是 lookup 方法。

export function initialize(instance) {
  let container = instance.container;
  let router = container.lookupFactory('router:main');


对于正在使用 ember-cli (Ember > 2.0) 开发最新 ember 的人。这可能会有帮助


export function initialize(application) {
    var routeNames = [];
    var router = application.__container__.lookupFactory('router:main');

   //if you want to have your custom routes on the highest level
    if (routeNames.length > 0) {
        router.map(function() {
            var _this = this;
            routeNames.forEach(function(item,index) {

   //if you want to have your custom routes as a child of another parent route
    if (routeNames.length > 0) {
        router.map(function() {
            this.route('parentRoute', {path:'/'}, function(){
                var _this = this;
                routeNames.forEach(function(item,index) {
