
Rust: Distinguish several cases in error handling of fs::remove_file

在 Rust 中,我想删除一个文件。 The documentation 告诉我 fs::remove_file returns 如果文件是目录、不存在或用户缺少执行该操作的权限,则会出错。

现在,在我的场景中,我想区分这三种情况。但是,我的调试器没有向我显示错误类型,println! 结果只是打印错误消息。


use std::fs;

fn rem(path: &str) {
  let msg = match fs::remove_file(path) {
    Ok(()) => "is fine",
    Err(NotExist) => "does not exist", // TODO: Pattern
    Err(IsDir) => "is a directory", // TODO: Pattern
    Err(_) => "is not yours",
  println!("The file {}!", msg);

fn main() {
  rem("/tmp/"); // print "not exist"
  rem("/tmp/this-is-a-directory"); // prints "is a directory"
  rem("/tmp/"); // prints "is not yours"

std::fs::remove_file returns一个std::io::Result<()>,这只是Result<(), std::io::Error>.


所以你可以匹配这个来提取错误信息的类型。特别是,您可能想要查看错误的 .kind()

fn rem(path: &str) {
  use std::io::ErrorKind;

  let message = match std::fs::remove_file(path) {
    Ok(()) => "ok",
    Err(e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::NotFound => "not found",
    Err(e) if e.kind() == ErrorKind::IsADirectory => "is a directory",
    Err(e) => "other",