在 Kind 集群中为入口设置域名

Setting domain name for ingress in Kind cluster

我想为我的入口创建一个可从外部应用程序访问的域名。我正在尝试在我的 Kind 集群上跟随 https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/docs/user/ingress/#using-ingress 的 Contour ingress,在我的本地 mac 上 运行..

它只使用本地主机地址或http://local.projectcontour.io/访问入口。由于此 Kind 集群在本地 运行,因此我无法使用 Loadbalancer type svc。有没有其他方法设置域名访问ingress?

是的,您不能通过 Kind 在本地使用此类 Ingress。 on-premise 个集群有一个名为 MetalLB 的负载均衡器解决方案。

Kubernetes does not offer an implementation of network load balancers (Services of type LoadBalancer) for bare-metal clusters.

我发现 article 使用 Kind 在 Mac 上安装它很好。

A ways back, I had discovered MetalLB as a method for getting an easy load balancer on-premises for Kubernetes. In the public cloud world - getting services into a cluster and subsequent load balancer connectivity is pretty easy. It gets a bit more nebulous (or, expensive…) on-premises.

The problem I found however is with how MacOS handles Docker. Since MacOS leverages [Hyperkit](http://collabnix.com/how-docker-for-mac-works-under-the-hood/ for virtualization, the interfaces for Dockers bridge network aren’t actually routable interfaces - you’re actually connecting to a socket instead