react-native sound not working after a while
我使用了 50 个不同的声音文件。它工作正常,但在我第 14 次或第 15 次尝试时,它不再播放音频文件。 (我正在使用 android 设备)
const animalSound = new Sound( selectedAnimals.soundUrl ||"snake.mp3", null, error => {
if (error) console.log("Can't play sound. ", error);
const handlePlaySound = () => {
animalSound.play(() => {
const handleStopSound = id => {
我用 expo-av
做声音,它也可以用在裸 react-native 项目中。 (https://github.com/expo/expo/tree/main/packages/expo-av)
This hooks abstracts away all the logic of
loading up and unloading songs. All the hook
takes in is the require path of the audio
import React,{useState,useEffect} from 'react'
import { Audio } from 'expo-av';
const useSound = (path) => {
Sound state
const [sound, setSound] = useState();
Logic to unload sound when screen changes
useEffect(() => {
return sound
? () => {
: undefined;
}, [sound]);
Memoize the function so that it does not get
recomputed every time that the screen load
const playSound = React.useCallback(async ()=>{
const { sound } = await Audio.Sound.createAsync(path);
await sound.playAsync();
Stop sound
const stopSound = React.useCallback(async ()=>{
await sound.stopAsync();
return [playSound,stopSound]
The hooks returns a function to be called when to play
a sound, and it abstracts away having to deal with unloading'
the sound
const [playSound,stopSound] = useSound(require("snake.mp3"));
我使用了 50 个不同的声音文件。它工作正常,但在我第 14 次或第 15 次尝试时,它不再播放音频文件。 (我正在使用 android 设备)
const animalSound = new Sound( selectedAnimals.soundUrl ||"snake.mp3", null, error => {
if (error) console.log("Can't play sound. ", error);
const handlePlaySound = () => {
animalSound.play(() => {
const handleStopSound = id => {
我用 expo-av
做声音,它也可以用在裸 react-native 项目中。 (https://github.com/expo/expo/tree/main/packages/expo-av)
This hooks abstracts away all the logic of
loading up and unloading songs. All the hook
takes in is the require path of the audio
import React,{useState,useEffect} from 'react'
import { Audio } from 'expo-av';
const useSound = (path) => {
Sound state
const [sound, setSound] = useState();
Logic to unload sound when screen changes
useEffect(() => {
return sound
? () => {
: undefined;
}, [sound]);
Memoize the function so that it does not get
recomputed every time that the screen load
const playSound = React.useCallback(async ()=>{
const { sound } = await Audio.Sound.createAsync(path);
await sound.playAsync();
Stop sound
const stopSound = React.useCallback(async ()=>{
await sound.stopAsync();
return [playSound,stopSound]
The hooks returns a function to be called when to play
a sound, and it abstracts away having to deal with unloading'
the sound
const [playSound,stopSound] = useSound(require("snake.mp3"));