
Optionals in Dictionary Arrays


这是 Swift Playground

import UIKit
import Foundation

//  MARK:- Declarations

//  The varible defintions including the expected unique key values, the associated data and the dictionary which will be returned
var arrayOfUniqueFieldNames = ["value1", "value2", "value3"]
var dictionaryOfKeyPairedData : [Int: [String]] = [
    0: ["value1", "a"],
    1: ["value2", "b"],
    2: ["value3", "c"],
    3: ["value1", "x"],
    4: ["value2", "y"],
    5: ["value3", "z"]]
var dictionaryOfDatasets = [String: Any]()

// MARK:- Code Body

//  Iterates through the dictionaryOfKeyPairedData assigning each key if it doesn't exist to the array to print and the value to the existing key, each key has mutliple values stored as an array
for counterOne in 0...dictionaryOfKeyPairedData.count-1{
    //  gets the current key value from the dictionary as a String
    let currentKeyValue = returnKeyofDictionaryArray(theDictionaryInQuestion: dictionaryOfKeyPairedData, indexToLookUp: counterOne, value: 0)
    //  gets the current value from the dictionary as a String as it associates with the current key
    let currentValuePair = returnKeyofDictionaryArray(theDictionaryInQuestion: dictionaryOfKeyPairedData, indexToLookUp: counterOne, value: 1)
    //  Fetches the array from the dictionary so it can be manipulated
    var existingItems = Array(arrayLiteral: dictionaryOfDatasets[currentKeyValue]) //Where I believe the Optional is not handled correctly
    //  If the key doesn't exist it saves the value as the key to the key, if it does exist it saves the value to the value as a value
    if existingItems[0] == nil{
        existingItems = [currentValuePair] //Where I believe the extranious brackets are getting added
    //  resaves the manipulated array alongside the existing key
    dictionaryOfDatasets[currentKeyValue] = existingItems

//  prints the data - OUTPUT

//  MARK:- Functions
//  Returns the key for the value for the prescribed array
func returnKeyofDictionaryArray(theDictionaryInQuestion: [Int: [String]], indexToLookUp: Int, value: Int) -> String{
    return theDictionaryInQuestion[indexToLookUp]![value]


["value2": ["b", "y"], "value1": ["a", "x"], "value3": ["c","z"]]

["value1": ["a", "x"], "value2": ["b", "y"], "value3": ["c","z"]]


["value1": [Optional([Optional("a")]), Optional("x")], "value2": [Optional([Optional("b")]), Optional("y")], "value3": [Optional([Optional("c")]), Optional("z")]]

您正在使用 Any 作为输出字典值的类型,而它可以只是 String 的数组。使用 Array(arrayLiteral: dictionaryOfDatasets[currentKeyValue]) 也无济于事。



        //  The variable defintions including the expected unique key values, the associated data and the dictionary which will be returned
        var arrayOfUniqueFieldNames = ["value1", "value2", "value3"]
        var dictionaryOfKeyPairedData : [Int: [String]] = [
            0: ["value1", "a"],
            1: ["value2", "b"],
            2: ["value3", "c"],
            3: ["value1", "x"],
            4: ["value2", "y"],
            5: ["value3", "z"]]
        // This is a dictionary of String to String-arrays
        var dictionaryOfDatasets = [String: [String]]()

        // MARK:- Code Body
        // Just iterate through the values of the dictionary, given that
        // you are not interested in the Int keys
        dictionaryOfKeyPairedData.values.forEach {
            if dictionaryOfDatasets[[=10=][0]] == nil {
                dictionaryOfDatasets[[=10=][0]] = [[=10=][1]]
            } else {
        // Sorting, if you need:
        // Here is where you sort the arrays inside each value of the dictionary
        dictionaryOfDatasets.keys.forEach {
            dictionaryOfDatasets[[=10=]] = dictionaryOfDatasets[[=10=]]?.sorted(by: { [=10=] <  })

        //  prints the data - OUTPUT
        print(dictionaryOfDatasets)   // ["value3": ["c", "z"], "value2": ["b", "y"], "value1": ["a", "x"]]


var arrayOfUniqueFieldNames = ["value1", "value2", "value3"]
var dictionaryOfKeyPairedData : [Int: [String]] = [
    0: ["value1", "a"],
    1: ["value2", "b"],
    2: ["value3", "c"],
    3: ["value1", "x"],
    4: ["value2", "y"],
    5: ["value3", "z"]]
var dictionaryOfDatasets = [String: [String]]()

    let key = [=10=]
    dictionaryOfKeyPairedData.filter({[=10=].value.first == key}).forEach{
        if dictionaryOfDatasets[key] != nil {
            var val = dictionaryOfDatasets[key]
            val?.append([=10=].value.last ?? "")
            dictionaryOfDatasets[key] = val

            dictionaryOfDatasets[key] = [[=10=].value.last ?? ""]



["value1": ["a", "x"], "value3": ["z", "c"], "value2": ["y", "b"]]