request_spot_instances 和 create_instances 与 InstanceMarketOptions 有什么区别

Whats the difference between request_spot_instances and create_instances with InstanceMarketOptions

为什么 request_spot_instances 似乎可以通过指定 InstanceMarketOptionscreate_instances 做同样的事情? (在 AWS API 中,RequestSpotInstances 与 RunInstances)

跟进:如何从 create_instances 获取 spot 请求 ID?


RequestSpotInstances is much more general and versatile. This is because you can make spot request for a fleet 个实例。这意味着您的一个 spot 请求可以包含 多个实例类型 ,例如t2.microm4.mediumt3.large,或者更一般的,比如创建具有 1GB<RAM<10GB2<CPU<16.
