索引自定义堆栈 Class

Indexing a custom Stack Class

我目前正在使用 Udemy 课程进行一些 C# 单元测试。本课程中实现了当前Stackclass:

namespace Testing
    public class Stack<T>
        public readonly List<T> _list = new List<T>();
        public int Count => _list.Count;

        public void Push(T obj)
            if (obj == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

        public T Pop()
            if (_list.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            var result = _list[_list.Count - 1];
            _list.RemoveAt(_list.Count - 1);

            return result; 

        public T Peek()
            if (_list.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            return _list[_list.Count - 1];


return _list[_list.Count - 1];


Stack<int> newStack = new Stack<int>();
var lastElement = newStack[0];


cannot apply indexing with to an expression of 'Testing.Stack<int>'


As far as I know, A List object cannot be indexed

这是不正确的。 C# 列表是 dynamic array, similar to the c++ std::vector. You are probably thinking of linked list 的一种类型,一种完全不同的类型,我很少推荐使用它。

cannot apply indexing with to an expression of 'Testing.Stack'


public T this[int i] => _list[Count  - i - 1];

虽然编写自己的堆栈作为练习很有用,但对于实际工作,我建议使用内置的 stack. There is also source code available