
how to deal with this assertion debug failure

我正在调试生成五个 dxf 文件的代码。第一代一切正常。一旦我开始创建第二个 dxf 文件,我就会收到此错误。

谁能帮我解释一下这个问题。我无法 post 整个代码,因为代码非常大。 提前致谢


  1. const wchar_t*
  2. wstring
      struct K_2DPoint { double m_point_1; double m_point_2; };

      K_Teigha3DPoint m_arcCenter{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
      K_Teigha3DPoint m_arcNormal{ 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
      K_2DPoint     m_arcAngleParameter{ 0.0, 3.14 };
      K_DxfDwgColor m_defColor;
      double            m_radius = 1.0;
      double            m_thickness = 0.5;
      const wchar_t*         m_layerName = L""; // error is here
      const wchar_t*            m_lineType = L"";// error is here

    // C-Tor
    K_ArcParameter(K_Teigha3DPoint pArcCenter, K_Teigha3DPoint pArcNormal, K_2DPoint pArcAngleParameter, double pRadius) :
        m_arcCenter(pArcCenter), m_arcNormal(pArcNormal), m_arcAngleParameter(pArcAngleParameter), m_radius(pRadius), m_defColor(0x000000ff) {};
    K_ArcParameter(K_Teigha3DPoint pArcCenter, K_Teigha3DPoint pArcNormal,K_2DPoint pArcAngleParameter, double pRadius, double pThickness, wstring& pLayerName, wstring& pLineType) :
        m_arcCenter(pArcCenter), m_arcNormal(pArcNormal), m_arcAngleParameter(pArcAngleParameter), m_radius(pRadius), m_thickness(pThickness), m_layerName(pLayerName), m_lineType(pLineType), m_defColor(0x000000ff) {};
    K_ArcParameter(K_Teigha3DPoint pArcCenter, K_Teigha3DPoint pArcNormal, K_2DPoint pArcAngleParameter, K_DxfDwgColor pDefColor, double pRadius, double pThickness, wstring& pLayerName, wstring& pLineType) :
        m_arcCenter(pArcCenter), m_arcNormal(pArcNormal), m_arcAngleParameter(pArcAngleParameter), m_defColor(pDefColor), m_radius(pRadius), m_thickness(pThickness), m_layerName(pLayerName), m_lineType(pLineType) {};
    K_Teigha3DPoint         getArcCenterPoint()     const { return m_arcCenter; }
    K_Teigha3DPoint         getArcNormal()      const { return m_arcNormal; }
    K_2DPoint               getArcAngleParameter()      const { return m_arcAngleParameter; }
    K_DxfDwgColor           getColor()      const { return m_defColor; }
    double                  getRadius()     const { return m_radius; }
    double                  getThickness()      const { return m_thickness; }
    wstring                 getLayerName()      const { return m_layerName; }
    wstring                 getLineTypeName()       const { return m_lineType; }
    bool                    IsLineTypeByLayer()     const { return false; }


图层名称和线型名称必须是wstring。不允许使用 const wchar_t* 并使我的调试器崩溃。很抱歉我没有 post 代码,因为它非常广泛而且我无法看到具体的错误位置。 希望对大家有所帮助。