PDDL - 无效谓词和 forall 的正确用法

PDDL - invalid predicates and correct usage of forall

我是 pddl 规划的新手,现在我正在尝试创建域和问题文件作为练习。 简短的领域描述:我有几辆汽车,可以在 A 和 B 的地方取放。任务很简单:把所有的汽车从 A 的地方拿走,然后把它们移到 B 的地方。 我创建了以下域文件:

(define (domain test) ; Domain name must match problem's

  ; Define what the planner must support to execute this domain
  ; Only domain requirements are currently supported
  ( :requirements
    (at ?o - car ?p - place )
    (taken ?o - car )
   (:action take
   :parameters (?o1 - car  ?o2 - place )
   :precondition (and 
                    (at ?o1 ?o2)
                    (not (taken ?o1))
   :effect (and 
             (not (at  ?o1 ?o2 ))
             (taken ?o1)
   (:action put
   :parameters (?o1 - car  ?o2 - place )
   :precondition (and 
                    (not (at ?o1 ?o2))
                    (taken ?o1)
   :effect (and 
             (at  ?o1 ?o2) 
             (not (taken ?o1) )
   (:action takeAll
   :parameters ()
   :precondition (forall (?c - car ?p - place)
                    (at ?c ?p)
                    (not (taken ?c))
   :effect (forall (?c - car)
                    (taken ?c)


(define (problem test)
    (:domain test)
    c1 - car
    c2 - car
    c3 - car
    A - place
    B - place
        (at c1 A)
        (at c2 A)
        (at c3 A)
        (not (taken c1))
        (not (taken c2))
        (not (taken c3))

    (:goal (and
            (at c1 B)
            (at c2 B)
            (at c3 B)

我正在使用可用的在线规划器和求解器here 我想知道为什么它输出我有几个无效谓词

  takeall precondition contains ["forall", ["?c", "-", "car", "?p", "-", "place"], ["and", ["at", "?c", "?p"], ["not", ["taken", "?c"]]]], not a valid predicate
  takeall effect contains ["forall", ["?c", "-", "car"], ["taken", "?c"]], not a valid predicate
  :equality requirement is unnecessary
  Initial state contains ["not", ["taken", "c1"]], not a valid predicate
  Initial state contains ["not", ["taken", "c2"]], not a valid predicate
  Initial state contains ["not", ["taken", "c3"]], not a valid predicate

有人可以向我解释一下我做错了什么吗? 对于 takeAll 操作,我想用 forall 进行一些试验。并且应该这样解释:前提条件是说car类型的所有对象都不是处于一个状态,而是在某个地方。 效果应该是所有的车都处于taken的状态。 最短的解决方案应该是(按我的常识)takeAll, put(c1, B), (put c2, B), (put c3, B) 感谢您的帮助!

您正在进行经典规划,这意味着初始状态只需要指定什么是真的(其他一切都假定为假)。从你的 init 中删除那些负面的流利,它可能会成功。