如何创建一个 returns 列表的递归函数,而不会超过二维? (Python)

How can I create a recursive function that returns a list without it becoming more than two dimension? (Python)

我正在关注 YouTube 上的 this 教程。我正在尝试创建一个函数,它接受两个输入,一个目标词和一组词,以及 returns 一个二维数组,其中包含词库中所有可能的组合以到达目标词。

例如,canConstruct("abc", ["ab", "c", "abc", "d"])应该return[["ab","c"],["abc"]]


我已经尝试 return 以多种方式返回列表。我认为 returning *list 可能会工作,因为当我打印出 str(*list) 时似乎删除了额外的 [] 但我不能 return 这个。


    result = []

    def allConstruct(target, wordBank, memo = {}):
        if target == "":
        if target in memo:
            return memo[target]
        for word in wordBank:


            # if match never gets set to False, that means word is a subset of target
            if match == True:
                #remove word from beginning of target
                new_target = target[word_len:]
                suffix_ways = allConstruct(new_target, wordBank)
                for way in suffix_ways:
                    print("inserting word: " + word + " at start of list: " + str(way))
                    way.insert(0, word) 
                    print("The result is " + str(way))
                memo[target] = result
        memo[target] = result
        return result


result = allConstruct("ab", ["ab", "a"])


inserting word: ab at start of list: []
The result is ['ab']
inserting word: a at start of list: [['ab']]
The result is ['a', ['ab']]
[['a', ['ab']], [...]]

除了“aab”不是目标词这一明显问题外,我的 returning 列表是 ['a',['ab']],而它应该是 [['a', 'ab']]

我认为问题可能出在 way.insert(0, word),但我真的不太确定,因为我把自己弄糊涂了。



  • result 不应该是一个全局变量,因为你从递归调用中得到一个结果,然后将它合并回 result。这将导致重复信息。此外,当 result 是全局的时,你有一个有副作用的函数,调用者应该在想要进行新调用时重置 result 。这是不好的做法。

    而是让 result 成为一个 local 名称,它在函数开始时设置为 [],并返回给调用者。

  • 您不想 append 递归调用的结果,因为该结果与您的结果具有 相同 二维结构建造。所以你需要使用 extend 来代替。

  • 不是你的问题,但是 memo = {} 作为默认值参数是个坏主意。而是让默认值为 None,并在函数体内分配空字典。否则该函数的下一次调用将继续使用先前填充的备忘录,这是不希望的。


def allConstruct(target, wordBank, memo = None):
    if not memo:
        memo = {}  # Initialise for *every* toplevel call
    result = []  # Local!

    if target == "":
        return [[]]

    if target in memo:
        return memo[target]

    for word in wordBank:
        word_len = len(word)
        match = target.startswith(word)

        # if match never gets set to False, that means word is a subset of target
        if match == True:
            # Remove word from beginning of target
            new_target = target[word_len:]
            suffix_ways = allConstruct(new_target, wordBank)
            for way in suffix_ways:
                print("inserting word: " + word + " at start of list: " + str(way))
                way.insert(0, word) 
                print("The result is " + str(way))
            result.extend(suffix_ways)  # Extend!
            memo[target] = result

    memo[target] = result
    return result
def allConstruct(target, wordBank):
result = []  # Local!
if not memo:
    memo = {}  # Initialise for *every* toplevel call

if target == "":
    return [[]]

if target in memo:
    return memo[target]

for word in wordBank:
    word_len = len(word)
    match = target.startswith(word)

    # if match never gets set to False, that means word is a subset of target
    if match == True:
        # Remove word from beginning of target
        new_target = target[word_len:]
        suffix_ways = allConstruct(new_target, wordBank)
        for way in suffix_ways:
            print("inserting word: " + word + " at start of list: " + str(way))
            way.insert(0, word)
            print("The result is " + str(way))
return new_res