/bin/bash 失败的“-r”运算符,但它在 /bin/sh 中有效

/bin/bash failing "-r" operator, but it works in /bin/sh

一直运行作为容器入口点的bash脚本。我刚刚从 Alpine3.13 升级到 Alpine3.15.0,脚本开始无法通过“-r”检查已安装和未安装的文件。
Docker版本18.06.1-ce, build e68fc7a
libseccomp 版本 libseccomp2/now 2.4.1-0ubuntu0.18.04.2


bash-5.1# ls -lt try
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Mar 24 08:47 try

bash-5.1# cat test.sh

if [ ! -r /tmp/try ] ; then
    echo "fail -r"

if [ ! -f /tmp/try ] ; then
    echo "fail -f"

bash-5.1# bash test.sh
fail -r
bash-5.1# sh test.sh



由于我无法更新 docker 和 libseccomp 版本,我尝试了第三个选项并且工作正常

  1. As a workaround, in order to run under old Docker or libseccomp versions, the moby default seccomp profile should be downloaded and on line 2, defaultAction changed to SCMP_ACT_TRACE, then --seccomp-profile=default.json can be passed to dockerd, or --security-opt=seccomp=default.json passed to docker create or docker run. This will cause the system calls to return ENOSYS instead of EPERM, allowing the container to fall back to faccessat.