openxlsx 中的 addStyle 函数不会用正确的颜色填充 excel 电子表格中的单元格

addStyle function in openxlsx does not fill cells in excel spreadsheet with the right color

考虑 r 包 openxlsx 中的以下代码块。

我正在尝试用特定颜色填充 excel 传播sheet 中的某些单元格。



# Create a new workbook
wb <- createWorkbook("My name here")

# Add a worksheets
addWorksheet(wb, "Expenditure", gridLines = FALSE)
addWorksheet(wb, "Income", gridLines = FALSE)

# write data to worksheet 1
writeData(wb, sheet = 1, USPersonalExpenditure, rowNames = TRUE)

# Create style object in order to fill certain cells in the excel spreadsheet.
Styling_object <- createStyle(fontColour = "red", bgFill = "yellow")

# Add style to cell in row 2 column 1.
addStyle(wb, sheet = 1, style = Styling_object, rows = 2, cols = 3)

# Add style to cell in row 4 column 3.
addStyle(wb, sheet = 1, style = Styling_object, rows = 4, cols = 3)

# save the workbook
saveWorkbook(wb, "testing_add_style_1.xlsx", overwrite  = TRUE)

我不明白的是,为什么我在 excel sheet 中指定要填充的单元格填充了错误的颜色。我将 createStyle 中的 bgfill 参数指定为“黄色”,这是我想要指定单元格的填充颜色,但由于某种原因,单元格在结果 excel传播sheet.

这就是我在 excel 传播中得到的sheet。


使用 fgFill 而不是 bgFillbgFill 用于条件格式。

Styling_object <- createStyle(fontColour = "red", fgFill = "yellow")