Reply-To Queue 在将消息类型作为请求时未在 IBM MQ 中更新

Reply-To Queue is not updating in IBM MQ while putting message type as request

jmsTemplate.sendAndReceive("Queue2", session -> {
                TextMessage msg = session.createTextMessage();
                msg.setJMSReplyTo(config.getReplyQ());      //Not updated but auto generated queue updated
                msg.setJMSCorrelationID("asd_123584_lkj");  //Updated in Destination Queue

                System.out.println("Message : "+msg);

                return msg;

public Destination getReplyQ() throws JMSException {
        MQQueue replyToQ = new MQQueue(queueManager, replyQueue);
        Destination replyTo = (Destination) replyToQ;
        return replyTo;

我读过一些文章说使用 JMS 会更新 RFH 但不会更新 MQMD,而这个 Reply-To Queue 是 MQMD 的一部分,我没有找到正确的 class更新 MQMD header 并将消息发送到 MQ 并更新 reply-to queue.

jmsTemplate.send(config.getQ(), session -> {
            TextMessage msg = session.createTextMessage();
            System.out.println("Message : " + msg);
            return msg;

以上方法将设置 JMSReplyTo。

Here the definition of sendAndReceive is present which stated that "a temporary queue is created as part of this operation and is set in the JMSReplyTO header of the message"

忽略 RFH2 header setTargetClient(WMQConstants.WMQ_CLIENT_NONJMS_MQ) 可以像下面这样使用:

public Destination getQ() throws JMSException {
        MQQueue replyToQ = new MQQueue(queueManager, queues);
        Destination rt = (Destination) replyToQ;
        return rt;