
How to rotate a 2D object by 90 degrees in unity

我需要将 2D GameObject 沿 z 轴旋转 90 度。所以我已经尝试了 transform.RotateAround 但仍然旋转了一个完整的圆圈:

transform.RotateAround(target.transform.position, new Vector3 (0, 0, -90),
        50f * Time.deltaTime)

我需要在 90 之前停止它。我该怎么做?

enter image description here

创建一个基于 deltaTime 旋转的 coroutine 并跟踪它旋转了多远,一旦达到 90 就停止。使用 Mathf.Min 确保不要旋转超过 90。

private isRotating = false;

// speed & amount must be positive, change axis to control direction
IEnumerator DoRotation(float speed, float amount, Vector3 axis)
    isRotating = true;
    float rot = 0f;
    while (rot < amount)
        yield return null;
        float delta = Mathf.Min(speed * Time.deltaTime, amount - rot);
        transform.RotateAround(target.transform.position, axis, delta);
        rot += delta;
    isRotating = false;


if (!isRotating)
    StartCoroutine(DoRotation(50f, 90f, Vector3.back));


private Coroutine rotatingCoro;

// speed & amount must be positive, change axis to control direction
IEnumerator DoRotation(float speed, float amount, Vector3 axis)
    float rot = 0f;
    while (rot < amount)
        yield return null;
        float delta = Mathf.Min(speed * Time.deltaTime, amount - rot);
        transform.RotateAround(target.transform.position, axis, delta);
        rot += delta;

    rotatingCoro = null;

// ...

if (rotatingCoro != null)
    rotatingCoro = StartCoroutine(DoRotation(50f, 90f, Vector3.back));

// ...

// call to stop rotating immediately
void StopRotating()
    if (rotatingCoro != null) 
        rotatingCoro = null;