Eclipse 终端不更新/奇怪的行为

Eclipse Terminal Not Updating / Weird Behaviour

我正在使用 Eclipse(主题 = DevStyle)开发 Java Maven 项目。
在使用 Windows 终端的 Eclipse 中工作时,会出现非常奇怪的行为,其中 eclipse 中的终端视图不会根据如下 GIF 中所示的命令进行更新:


遵循@Todd Williams 提供的this Link(原始提交由@Jonah Graham 提供)问题在于Windows 伪控制台:

On Windows the terminal uses the amazing WinPTY library to provide a PTY as Windows did not come with one. For the last number of years, Windows 10 has a native version called Windows Pseudo Console (ConPTY) which programs such as VSCode and Eclipse Theia have converted to using, in part because of the fundamental bugs that can't be fixed in WinPTY. The WinPTY version in Eclipse is also quite out of date, and hard to develop as it is interfaced to by JNI.

因此,通过使用参数 -vmargs -Dorg.eclipse.cdt.core.conpty_enabled=false 启动 Eclipse 来禁用 Windows 伪控制台 (ConPTY) 可以解决问题。

或者您可以将参数添加到 eclipse.ini 文件(位于 Eclipse 根文件夹中)
