尝试增加 RDS MySQL 实例上的存储时出错

Error when trying to increase storage on RDS MySQL instance

我试图在 RDS MySQL 实例上将分配的存储空间从 2000GB 增加到 2260GB(IOPS 从 6000 增加到 7000),但我收到以下错误消息:

null (Service: AmazonRDS; Status Code: 500; Error Code: InternalFailure; Request ID: ea593451-3454-11e5-bc38-b7fa8a060cf1)

此实例的只读副本的存储和 IOPS 增加了,所以这不是问题。


此错误是由于 Memchached 在分配给我试图为其增加存储的 RDS 实例的选项组中启用的。

来自 AWS 支持工程师:

You got in contact as you were unable to initiate a scale storage for your RDS instance olympus- you were receiving an internal error.

After reviewing this further on my side I let you know that the following error was being reported:

The option 'MEMCACHED' cannot be deleted as instance olympus has Read Replica which has the MEMCACHED present.

RDS 团队已将此作为问题提出。他们意识到了这一点并正在努力解决这个问题,不幸的是我无法给出一个时间表。


  1. 修改实例,使实例使用默认选项组,即禁用内存缓存
  2. 然后修改实例上分配的存储。
  3. 缩放完成后重新添加内存缓存选项组
